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Gromnds a, f 'Saints fulneffi . 93 name, honour,dignity,and earthly fulneffe of her husband ; the Church, by fpirituall wedlocke with Chrift, partakes of the name, honour, dignity, and heavenly fulnefs of Chrift : As m airdwife are one matrimonial) ffefh; fo are Chrift and his members one myfticall Chrift. In regard Of proportion : There is a naturali proportion and li1tenefs between the head and the members, betweene the Parent and the childe, between the Sunne and the ayrc enlightned by the Sunne ; and thus there is a fpirituall pro- portion between Chrift and all fad' as, like living mem- bers, are enlivened by him, like children are begotten of Bina; and favingly enlightned by him,as the Sunne doth en- lighten the ayre : There is a gracious proportion and an- fwerableneffe betweene Chrift and all God faithfull fer - vants, as between the Sunne and the Starres in the firma- ment, as between the King and the Ot een in the Court, as betweene the father and the children in the Family ; they are holy as be is holy, in proportion, in imitation, in quality, but not in adequation, degree, and quality : they are confor- med unto.Chrift in Tan&ification and in fuffering-: Chrift hath fulneffe above meafure, they have falneffe in mea' lure: In Chrift is fulnefs as in the fountaine, in them as in tore cifterne. In regard of Communication : The Sun communicates light unto all the Starres, the Sea waters to all the Rivers;'Chrift hath not received for himfelfe alone,but for all his members. 7ofeph had not the fulneffe of Egypt for himfelfe alone, but for all the people'of the Land, to difpenfe to them accord- ing to their feverall necefhities : God hath put all fulneffe in to Chrift, and through Chrift he Both diipenfe the fame to us. God (faith S. Paul) barb blefd zzs 'with all #irituall bleffngs in heavenly places in Chrift ; with knowledge, juftification, re- mi[iion, adoption-, fanification, and all fpirituall riches in Chrift: God difpenfeth all his fulneffe by Chrift Jefus to his fervants: As the Angels carne downe by Jacobs ladder; fo doe all the gifts of God come downe to the foule of man by Chrift : Of bid fulneffe we doe all receive grace for grace. The worts (faith Chriftt) iwhicáhou gaveft me, I have given them.; N 3 the t Cor. 12.12.. z. ;Proportion betweene Saints and Chrift: t Pet. Y 5": Ro111. 8. 29. 3 Chrifis communicati- on to the Saints. Ephef. i .3: lohn Jolin 17.8.