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The EMI le Dedicatory. low opinion of all worldly excellencies.The Harr fee- Una within him the operation of che-ferpents poyfon, goes from he chornes and thickets, and pafret h over the green S pleafanc paftures, defires nothing berthe fountain : fente of the venom of fin and uncleannefre, mikes min go from the Thorns and thickets of world- ly cares and riches, and p.'íie from the greer tnedows of carnall pleafures, the foule king reftle ffe ut,rìll it cornes to Chrifl jefus, the fountair,e of all Ipirituall.= refrcthments. Secondly, take heed, deceive not your (elves with (hews and.fhadows inflead of fubflance, with a forme inflead of the pourer of godlineffé : as the Poets fable it of Ixion embracing a cloud inflead of Juno ; or as mothers in hafte (=crimes catch at the fwadling cloaths,and leave the child behind them.It is very dan gerous to fray and applaud our felties in the ceremony of Religion and godlinefs, nor taking with us the Lord Jetais fometimesMary&Jofeph went on with themu!, titudefor company,and left Chrift behind them : all relie pious oUervations prove complemental,frivolous and fruitleffe, if in them we fee not, talk trot, receive not, enjoy nor Chrifl': religious exercifes are loft labours ro the foule that gaines nor the Lord _Ierus. Thirdly, be Truly meek aid humble, be emptied of all opinion of your own worth and wifdome; this will' make you wife to°falvation: He that is iii the low pits and caves of the earth fees the Bats in the firmamear, when they who are on the top,, of the mountains dit Cern them not. He that is mofl humble fees moll of heaven: Bona e(? via humilitatis(faith Bernard)qua ive-° citas inqNiritur,charitas acquiritur, &generationes ra® , pientie percipiuntur.God (faith be) is the way of hu- mility e