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of the opportunity ofgrace. Fourthly, will God be pleafed that we ¡hall fpend all the flower and flrength of our time in Satans fervice, and when we are old and can ferve finne no longer, come crowd and thruft our felves into his fervice Fiftly, doe not we hereby lofe much fpirituall riches, bleffed communion and acquaintance with God, comforta- ble affurnnce of jay and glory in the heavens ;that comfort, peace, pleafure, rejoycing, contentment which infinitely furpaffeth allthe contentment in the world ?`O therefore Iet us not any longer delay our converfion, put off our repen- tance, negle& the day of our vifitation, let us not be like berufedem, firangers to the things belonging to our peace ; ut let us think upon the Lords pathetical! and manifold expoflulations, asking, How long, ye fmple ones, will ye love Prot. r. z. fimplicity, and ¡Corners delight in their [corning, and fooles bate know- ledge ? Interrogating alto with his people, Repent and turne Ezek. 13.3o your (elves from all your tranfgrefflons, make you a new heart and a- 3' new f#irit ; for why will ye dye, O houfe of Ii rael ? Call to mind al- fo, and think ferioufly upon the Lords free and gracious in- vitations, bidding us by the Prophet, 2urne, O back flíding [er.3. :. children, and I will be ale your backflidings. And againe, Turneye Zech.t. 3. unto me, and I will turne to you. And, Come to me all ye that be Mar I i. zs. heavy loaden, and I will refrefb you. Think ou this, and Remem- Eccle. i z. r. beryour Creator in the dayes of your youth Remember him as a Maker to depend upon him, as a Father to love him, as a '. Mailer to feare him, as a King to obey him, as a Friend to rejoyce in him, as a Shield to defend you, a Storehoufe to minifter all fulneffe to you. And as the Angel charged Lot Gen. 19. 17. Efcape for thy life, Tooke not behind thee, neither flay in all the , plaine, efcape to the Mountaines lea ft thou be conic med : So let me charge, exhort, entreat, perfwade every perfon that tenders his owne evedlafling peace, glory, comfort, to haften out of the Sodome of finne, to efcape from his uncleanneffe, not to looke backe with love or liking upon any way which God hath forbidden , leapt his confuming wrath feize upon him, but thine more and. more like the Sunne unto the perfe& day : Goe forward like a good Traveller ; be filled with all goodneffe, as S 2 the