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The Lord Jefias the Soules le refuge. j I 49 make us joyful! : in the day of health , and make us mindfüll of the day of fickneffe ; in the day of life, and make us watchfull againft the day of death ; in the day of fickneffe , and afire us of the bleffed ïffue of our earthly Pilgrimage ; in the day of death, and tranflate our foules into a glorious life : Even fo come L o R JESUS. And now touching this Spe&acle of Mortality here before us, what (hall 1 fay unto you ? whererein tha11 I from hence inflru& you ? But onely in two things in the generali"; Fin i, by way of premonition : Secondly, by way of commemoration. By way of premonition, and fo you may in this obje& of death be admonifhed, Fire, of the tranfitorineffe of mans Pilgrimage : his life is a va- pour Toone vanifhing, a race Toone runne, a candle quick- ly gone out, having no continuing City bere, but snuff feeke for one that is to come. Secondly, pf`the vanity of all earthly a- bundance ; it is a ftartiíig Bow in the day of battle, a rot- ten Anchor in the flormy Tempert. Wee fee that of So- lomon verified by daily experier.1ce, Riches profit not in the day of wrath, but tRic hteoufneffe delivereth frost.' death : The Righteoufneffe of Chrift imputed, the Righteotrfneffe of converfation well ordered giveth comfort , and delive- rance from the fecond death, when foule and body are diffolved. Thirdly, whatfoever extravagancies or aber- rations wee fee in others, let us not thereby take occa- fion to infült over them, to paffe any rafh or finali fen - tence upon them : this is the work ufe of other mens of- fences, this is to thruft God out of his Office : For eve- ry man (lands or falls to bis owne Maffer ; But what we fee amiffe in others, let us corre& in our (elves ; by the fight of their ípots let us wail' our ovine Garments, be thank- full to God who doth preferve us : for, no than ffandeth by is owne ffrength. Let us be watchful! over our felves,` and de;ïre God to keepe us, leaft Sathan and our owne corruption draw us into the fame or greater evils. The finne of one man would be the finne of every man, did not God re- ftraine him. V3 ,Seoondly,,, I. bleb. i 3.14. 2. Prov. 1 r.4. Rom. -