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SAI1\TT .PA.VLS LEGACIE. 2 COR. I3. II. Finally, Brethren, farewell: Be perfeff, le of good com- fort, le of one mind, live in peace i and the God of love and peace Pall le with you. V E KY Communion amongfl men on earth, hath his difíolution be it never to entire,never fo firm,neverfo delight - full,yet at length there conies a fepara- tion : the fweetef fellowfhip, the focie- ty which is molt intimate , hath the cords and chaînes thereof at length dif- folved. Communion with God is ever- idling, communion with man is tranhtory and temporali. The Arke was tranfportative, removing from place to place till it came to Solomons Temple : Such is mans condition, fubje& to continuall change and motion, till he comes to heaven, where Gods people Mall have an endlefie and un- changeable communion. The fellowthip between Abimilech and the men of Scchem, was very thong and intimate : they were a bone of bone, and fiefb I5I Iudges 9.23.