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156 1 Saint Pauls Legacy. lohn 1111=1M ommilmillo111M, Realm 1. Pf. x o4.z 2.23; Phil. z Thef.I. 3 . RI:m.13.11 Tit. Ads z6.16. 2. ruption. Peter caffetbbisNet the fecond rime into the Sea, and a multitude' of Fifties are taken in it : At the Minifters- firft and fecond, frequent and often preaching, many foules fhould, Ly the net of the Gofpel,be drawne out of the gulph and fea of fin and the world : And that, In regard ofthe end of the Minifters long and frequent preaching : The Sunne arifeth (faith the Pfalmift) the wild Beaffs gather themfelves together, and lay them downe in their Mimes ; man goeth forth to his worke, and to his labour until! the evening. The Gofpel like the Sunne arifeth, and all the lufts of men, which like Co many wilde Beafts, walk forth and make their prey upon the foules of men in the night of their. ignorance, mutt now lye themfelves downe by humiliation, mortifi:ation and true repentance, and man muft arife from the bed of finne, and goe forth out of himfelfe, as out of his honk, to his work 'and to his la- bour, Working out his . jalvaticrn with feare and ,trembling, never ceafing from the wor0 of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord jefas Chriff, untill the evening, untill the Sunne of his life be wholly gone downe and let. This Apftle preffeth from the end of the appearing of the, Gape! : The night iffarre Pent, the time andllate of igno- rance and blinclneffe is farre gone ; and the light is neere at hand, the day of the Gofpel breaketh forth, and the light of illumination doth appeare : Let us therefore cafe of the workes of darknefe, as men cart off their bed,cloaths in the morning, and let a put on the Armour of light, as men put on their day-cloaths, and fo let us walke .3 and the grace of God (faith Saint-Pau/ to Titus ) barb appeared, leaching men to deny ungodlineffe and, worldly lufft, and to live foberly, righteoully and godlily in this prefent evil! world. And I (faith Chrift,to Paid) bave appeared unto time for this purpofe, to make thee a Miniffer and Witneffe both of tbefe things which thou haft feene , and. of thole things in the which I will appears unto thee ; delivering thee from the People, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I fend thee, to open their Eyes, and to turne them from darkneffe nnta light and from the Power of Satban unto God. In regard of Gods expe&ation : The Husbandman' after the