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Saint Pauls Legacy. ` 16 I childe to which the draweth forth her breaft and fendeth : Co Gods Miniflers love their hearers, the Vineyard which they plant, the Flocke which they keepe, the Citie over which they watch, the Children which they Minifterially beget and nude ;for thus the pleople are filed by names expreffing the Minifiers high prizing of them, great delight in them, and fingular love unto them, as, children, hope, joy, crown: of rejoicing, glory and joy : the Apoffle putting on the indul- gent affeaion of a Father, and in the ffrength and paflion of his love, fo ífiles them, and (peaks thus unto them,li:at is our hope, or joy, or crowne of rejoycing ? Are not even yee in the pretence of our Lord PeJiu Cbrif at his comming ? for yee are our glory and joy. And Saint Paul (peaking of his love to the Corinthians, c.rlleth it a more abundant love ; that is, a high, a z Cer..7.4. ffrong, a tran`cendent love, fuch love that he Caith,his mouth z COI% was open to them, and his heart was enlarged : His whole man was open to them (as a Btidegrooms houle is opened to the Bride) to entertaine them, to love them, to rejoyce in them, to communicate himfelfe to the utmoft unto them, as the open Sunne fendeth forth his light,and the open cloud doth poure out his raine : nay, they were in his heart to live and dye z Cor.i:3. with them. And who can doubt of the love of Gods faithfull Mini- fters towards their hearers, that (hall but look, Upon their labours to fave the foules of their hearers ? Rea(on t. They are i; ftant in fear on and out of feafon, taking all opportu- z Tim 4. z. nities ; they fow in the morning, and with, hold not-their hand in the evening ; they have no ref, they hold not their peace day nor night, as Naomi faid of Boaz, The man will not be at Ira 6z. r r. ref#, until/ be bath finifbed the thing this day : fo fuch is the love Ruch 3. ult. of Gods Minifters, that they are at no reef, until! they have finished the work of grace in their hearers,confummated the marriage between them and Chrift. Upon their forrowes, fadnefle, fighes and scares, to be- $ hold the peoples bar rennetfe under their labours, obffinacy againft their perfwafrons, and the danger whereinto they thruft th4!' fouls ; no father is more grieved to fee the lewd- neffe of lid shild. Jeretnies foule weeps in fecret for bis people. lcr.r 3.r7. Y 'rajahs I{'i.s.iE. I Th.z. ag, zo.