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Saint. Pauls Legacy. as children of a loving Nurfe, the Wife of a kind and care - full Husband, or the Wife of .Fhineas of the Ark : it fhould leffe grieve us to be deprived of all earthly abilities,then of Gods faithful! Minifters ; the gaine of the world cannot recom- pence the Joffe ofthe Gofpel : He never cleerly difcerned, nor truly tatted Chrift in the Do &rive of Gods Meffengers, that is not exceedingly grieved at the loffe of their habours. 5 This thould draw love from us againe to them, canting us to have them in ftngular love for their works fake : the more we love them, the more readily we thall receive their inftru- &ions, themore fiullytihall we fubje& our felves to their ad- monitions, the more beauty (hall we fee in their do&rines, the more fweetneffe (hall we tafle in their labours, and the more feelingly and effe &wally (hall the Minifer with and endeavour our peace and everlafting welfare, (peaking peace to us, and praying for all good things at the hands of God for as, and laying at loft with Saint Paul, Finally, brethren, farewell . Be perfei, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace ; and the God of love and peace be with _you. The third thing in thefe words, is a word of valedi&ion, Farewell ; a word commonly ufed in the conclufion, (lhot of Epiftles ; wherein the Apoftle witheth to them all happineffe, joy, tranquility, comfort, even all manner iel- fare. He had been long theirTeacher,Watch- man and Monitor, yet at length he bids them farewell, and takes his leave of them. The labours of Gods choyfeff Miniflers -are not everlaffing,but of a Port continuance. After a while the- BrookCherith, of whicb Eli - ab drank, was dried up, and he was commanded to goe to Zs- repha, to look out for another place of. fitpportment : After a while the Mini(ler, whole do &rine hath been as a River to refreth and water us, is taken from us, the brook of his do&rine is dried up, and we muff look out force other brook whereof to drink, or elfe our foules mutt (larve and perifh. It thould be therefore men wifdome to keep and conti- nue the faithfull Minitier of God with themwhile they have Y him, 163 a Sam.4.z2. f Thef. 1:13. Note. a Kings 17.7: