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THE TABLE. eE Ignorance and unfenfibleneffe of mans want of Ch'e ground this. 27 3 Some f eekfulneffe in the naked ufe of the Ordinances, not labour- ing to fee, tafle and receive Chri ff in them. 28 4 Some f eekfulnef e in humain eb; ervations : their folly difcovered CHAP. VI. ibid. The folly of man in ftanding aloofe eff from.Chria,' and not coming fully home to Chriff, in whom is all fulness manifefied. Four grounds hereof. 29 The folly ofman in not coming unto Chrift, illuffrated. 35 35 36'34 CHAP. VII. 3 7 The valuing and efleeming of Chrift above all r pre(fed. S Chrift to be valued above all,fix wayC1. 3 Four things in Chrift to behighly prized.. 3 g' 39540 C H A P. V I I I. 4243 Perfwafrens to come to Chrifl, and get intereft in Chrift. 36 Three things perfwading thereunto. The manner of coming to Chrißf laid donne. 46547148 Helps diff offing and fitting man to come to Chri . 5 , 5 i CHAP. IX. fi 50,5j 2253 The making ufe of Chrift is taught. 5 4255)5 6 CHAP. X. Full and confiant ácnuiefcence in.Cbrìft is perfwaded. Confolationsflowing porn the fulness o f Chrift. 58 CHAP. XI. 58 Do &. 3. Chrift is God and man in one i °rfonby an in(eparable union. Two grounds hereof. 60,61,62 Mans honour and the exaltations ofmans nature c opened. 63,.64 Man is charged not to debafe himjelfe, but maintain the honour to which Chrifi bath exalted him, with the manier how to doe it. 65 CHAP. XII. Mans choyceft excellency confftetb in union with God. The benefits thereof. 66 C H A P. X I i I. 67,68 Do &. 4. Chrifts per fec ion and fulneß dotb infinitely furpaß the fulneßof all creatures. Three grounds of this. 6 0 Such as are filled with fulneßo f God,are filled with eboyceff fulneß. 64 C H A P.