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2. SubieauPi. 3. .411us 4. Taatitm. ilbfolnte fulnegi Cbrifi alone. 4111 // 4 need of having recourfe to them : You have all in Uhrift ; For in bim if the fidn4re of the God-bead ; all fulneffe appertain- ing to life happinefre is to be found in Chrill Jeaiis. Se- condly, here is a fubjeEt, in bim ; in Chrift,, in his perfon as he is the Son of God by eternal! generation, as he is God and Man in one perfon , as free is Mediatour , a mid- dle perfon between God, and Man by divine ordina- (ion , by his Office of Mediation : In Chril is filch perfeaion that thee needs no addition. Thirdly, here is the Aa , Treelktb ; AEt of duration , Chrills hu- mane Nature and his Godhead are never feperated. Fourthly, here is the matter which isin Chrifi, and that is -a Ainef. perfeal.)n, the high& perfeEtion the greateft fidnelie : The fulneffe of any thing is the excellency of the Lhing ; fulneffe of corne in the care, fulneffe of branches and fruit on the tree, fulneffe ofchildren in the houle, as of ar- rowes in a quiver, fulneffe of light in the Sun, fulneffe of precious fhb:lance in a pearl;is the excellency of the care, the 'tree, the honfe,,the Sun, the Pearle ; divine and incompre henfible ftdneffe is the excellency of Chrid Jefus above o- chers. Such is (.1hriiifulneffe, that in companion thereof the fulneffe .of all creatures is but emptineffe. .Fitly, here is the quality or condition of Chriits fulnefre, The fulne Ire of the God-head ; a fulneffe communicablé to no creature : In Saints and Angels there is a finite fulneffe of divine qualities, in Chria there is the infinite fulneffe of the divine effence,a,ful- nefre by wch be barb d obtained a nore excellent name then theAngels. He that partakes of God above others,is more excellent then others ; the Lord ,Jefus is . farre exalted above all creatures. Sixtly, here, is the manner how: this fulneffe dwelleth in Chria, Bodily ; not feemingly,but really, truly and in deed; not figuratively andin fhadow, as hedweltin the Temple, but compleatl) ; not by power and. efficacy, as he dwelleth in all creatures, nor by grace,. as in the Saints, nor by glory, as in the bleffed in heaven ; but Effentially, LS'iikElantially, the humane nature being affunaed into union with the perfon of the Word. Great is the difference between the dwelling of the God-head in Chrittaud in his members : Such is the pre- fence, dHeb.i.4: 6. modas.