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Dignity of Chrifi,r per fon. ó i 7 for the fulnefse of his Majelly, glory, dignity, excellency. All creatures are but beggars in companion of Chrift Jefus, : to a.màn xhatkeeps open houle for his fulnefse, freenefse, readinefse to communicate to hungry foul's; = Hoe, faith the Lord by the.Prophet, every one that thr [fah , come yee to the wa- ters, and be that bath no money:, come, buy. and at ;' yea came, bu) wine and milk, without money, and without price : Sometimes to a F'ountaine in whom is.all plenty of water : Sometimes to the s Rof e of Sbaron, and the Lilly of tine Val pies, for the f irpaf- fing beauty and tranfcendent excellency c;f g:'accs in him- felfe, and for the fweet and plentifull, Flea ant and Blight full communicat on of himfelfe to the foulcs of his people. Sometime to the Apple -tree among the trees o f the -Wood, for his dignity, worth and excellency abóve other perfons ; as th;; Apple -tree excels the trees of the Forref} in .comfortable nefse of fhadow, fweetnefse of finell,pleafantnefse and plen- ty of fruit ; and the 'Spouledefcribing the height, fulnefse and perfection of the excellecies of Chri{f her Bridegroome, faith of him, that he is = white and ruddy, the faireff of ten tsou- f and ; White, for his innocency its himfelfe, for his vi:`tory, peace, joy and comfort in his God, and for his adminif}ra- tion of grace and mercy to penitent and beleeving finner s : And Ruddy, for the imputation of our fin unto him, for his fuffering, and for his juf }ice to puraifh his enemies : And the fairefi of ten thou`'aítd,fór his beauty,majetly, authority, worth and fulnefse, fùrpafiing all Men and Angels. The Lord Je- fits is exceeding glorious in the eyes of his unfained friends and lovers ; he is indeed beautihrll onely in their eyes who love him. The -more manloves him, the more deer and c m- fortable is apprehenfion of that fulnefse which hs in him. This perfe&ioiï and tulne se o.f Chria was fhadowed io the high Pried, being wafhc.d with V water, 4nd annointed x itii holy oyl ,iìgnify =iii Ch:i is fin ity,'.nd his un(To n with the,c.,y -ke of gladnefse e.bove his fellowcs : The high P. i'f; hiring his loyncs w cóvered wit!, clean. limne.,, bis boa) oriel 1.1. a ;pit; 11 ü, and a holy Crocvne upon bis .eati, .ffgrifying the cloatl,inc; of Chrii }s humanity with true h,,linefs -, the adorning, of it with perfeft r.ighteoufnefse, and the crowning therof with Maje<cy r s Ca.ait.z. r. r Cant. f.xo, v Exod.29.7. w