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No fulnefle in the Creature. with him. The is againe in the foules of men, a ver>' !Trong and marvellous pronenelfe to decline to goe frorr. Christ to earthly vanities. Some leave Chrift, and Peek for fulneffe in tite outward and common creatures ; but the fulneffe of God is not in them, but in Chrift : the creature is full of vanity, Chriir alone is the Subie& of all fiifficiency ; without Chrift the whole creation is but an empty veffell, as Job fometime Paid of wiCdome, x Wûere Pall Wif dome be found, and where is the place. of undsr.fianding ? Man knometh not the price thereof, neither it i found in the Lond of the living: The Depth faith, It is not in m° :. and the Sea faith, it it not with nt: : So may we fay of fulneffe, Where (hall futiie& be found ?and where is the place of al- fuflìciency ? Man knoweth not the price thereof, neither is it found in the land of the living : Honours and high places, fleshly delights and carnali pleafures fay, It is not ix us riches, ftrtngth, beauty, art, wit, fay, It is not with us. Man is exceedingly deceived that leaves the Lord Jeíus,.and Peeks for fulneffe in the creatures : For Fir,fl, the creature without Christ is an empty thing, a Lamp without Oyle, a bone without marrow The houle without the Hcsband, feems empty to tie Wife ; theThrone without the King, appeares empty to the Suhje& without the Lord Teals the foulemeets with emptindfe in the greateft worldly fulneffe ; it is Chrift that r filleth all in all. He puts fulneffe into. all the things of his fervants ; a fulneffe into, their pc ffaüons, that they ref} contented ; a fulnefse into their low eftates, that they rejoyce in it ; a fulneCse into their cup, whereby th=-ir thirft is quenched afulneffe into their bread, whereby their hunger is removed ; a fulneffe in- to their dinner of green herbes, fatiating them as a ftailed Oxo ; a fulneffe into all his Ordinances, making them liniments to fill the tò .1fs of his fervants with all laving graces. It is not the abundance of the creature, but Christ Jefus that miniiers the fulneffe ; Christ is the marrow and fatne(fe, of the fea`ì;wth Chrift there is fatisfa&ion in the fL n- dereft portion, without Chrift there i nothing but Z empti- neffe in the grreate+t fulneffe ; without him man can never ha')e J Four Ceekers 'Ulnae de- ceived. x job 28.15. r. Folly of reek »g fùln'efíe in the creature. Emptineílé y Eph.a.i;. iIag.i:8.