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3 GroKnd.r (not coming to Chrifi. f Lake 6. zt. name fcaff out as abominable, and to be accounted more vile,as s Sam. 6.zz. David for dancing before the Arke he mutt be willing to be in the world as nothing, who will have Chrift and his be all in all unto him Men are loth to be at this craft, and therefore come not to Chrift. The young man that carne to Chrift, hearing he muff fell all, and follow him,; g Mat. 19.11. g went away forrowrull : He that carries the love of the world in his hcart,will faint by the way,and never come to Chrift. L: The over - valuing of the world, makes the doetriue of the Gofpell a forrowfull do&rine,. and mans endeavour to come b Jahn 12.42. to Chrift, unfruitful]. . Many h among the chiefe Rulers beleeved on Cbriff, made Tome Reps towards him, but becauf e of the Fha- rifeer they did not conreffe him; they came not boldly, freely, and fully home to Chrift, left they+ fbould be put out of the Syna- gogue. He that cannot efteeme all as nothing for Chrift, as dung and droffe in comparifon of Chrift, will never really and in deed come to Chrift : He is but like a man that cheaps and bayes not,becaufe he will not give the price. Subje&ion under the creature : They are under the pow - 41 er and command of the creature ; this is faftned on then as Subjet,ion under the Birdlime on the wings of the Bird, that they cannot mount creature. up to Chrift ; they are intangled in this, as the feet in fnares and fetters, that they cannot move nor come to Chrift. As Pbaraeb laid o fthe children of Ifrael,Theyiareintangled in the Land, the Wilderneffe hath fbut them in ; fo maywe fay of many men, They are intangled in the creature, the world hath Phut them in, fo fhutthem up, that they cannot come t,. to Chrift ; it hath fo fhut up their underflanding, that they cannotdifcerne Chrift; their wils,that they cannot imbrace Chrift their imaginations that they cannot meditate up- on Chrift .3 and their affe ,that they cannotfeare,truft, Karma rm zo, love,,nor rejoyce in Ch As the k five Kings were bid in a cave, and jofua rowled great ffones upon the mouth of the cave, and let men by it to keepe them, that they might not come forth : fo are that up in the cave of the world, and hardneffe ofheart, like a great ftone, is rowled upon them, honours, riches, pleafures, like fo many keep- ers doe fo befit them, that .. they cannot come forth ; they l are