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k': Sant.' 8.; 1 Ruth mLuke 14.16 Hom Chrift is to be 'val,+ed. test folly and madneffe to effrange hitnfelfe from ,thrift Jefus. CHAP. VII. Sharing bow Chrift is to be valued and cftcaned A- bove alt, S all divine ancLheavetïli fuIneßè in Chrift ? then let us value & efteemChrift above all : things are ufually valued and prized according to their fulneffe;the Sun for his fulnes of light, is prized above all other lights, the Apple. tree for his fulneffe of fruit above all the . trees of the Wood ; the ;Pearle for his fulneffe of precious fùbftance is valued above all other mettall. The fulneffe of Chriit is the molt eminent tranfcendent and fuperlative fulneffe, a fulneffe furpang the fulneffe of all Men and Angels; him therefore we should prize above all others, as the King above the Subjects, the Matter above theServants,as theSun above the candles,as the "Fountaine above the bottle. As the people etteemed David above themfelves, laying, 2beìt art k worth ten thoufand of us : fo fhould we efteem C,hrift worth all the ten thoufands of the earth, whether riches, honours, pleafures,or whatfoever ellè. ,As-the women laid of Ruth to Naomi, 1 that the loved her, and was better to her then fever jons : fo fhould Chrift, who loveth us, be better to us then leven fonnes, of more eftecm with us then all tons and daughters, then all fathers and mothers,then -all wives and husbands, then all friends and acquaintance, then all the deareft and choyceft poffefíi- ons ; uarlefie we thus value him, we cannot be his Difciples, we difcerne him not aright, we learne him not as the truth is in him, in If any man come to me (faith Chrift) and bate not his f utoer and mother,and wife and c;,'ildren, and brethren and ftgers, yea end his ovine li fe aljo, he cannot be my Dij.ciple. He that doth not ftecrn me above all friends, above all poffeflions, aboye imíelte and hi; very life, he cannot be my Difciple, he can- ,iùt learn. my will, he can have no communion with me, no