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Meane,r of coraziv to Chrifto her dead child : So let us make hafte to Chrift for the reco- very of our poore foules ; let us come unto him while he may be found, and call upon him while be it neer at band : As the An- gel hafted and thruft Lot out of Sodome, and bid him o haffe to Zoar and efcape thither ; fo let us haften our foules out of the So- dome of fin unto Chriff ; O let us with all fpeed efcape to Chrift from the world and our corruption : Of all underta- kings man muff fife moil fpeed and diligence to come to Chrift jefus. Secondly, to Chrift, let us come fully, in re- fpeet of the terme from whence we come, from the world and all the vanities thereof: As Abraham P left his Aire, and all his fervants at the foot of the hill behind hint, and went up to offer his fon If aac to the Lord ; fo let us leave all the vanities of the world behind us, and come and off: r our felves to Chriff, let us come from all fin. When a captive woman jpynes he felfe in wedlock to an IT aelitifh Souldier, íhe muff q change ber appareil, (have her bead, and pare her nailes, and fo come to be joyned in wedlock to her husband : He that will come to Chriff, muff change his appareil, put off the old man, thane his head, remove the ignorance and er- rour of his underffanding, and pare his nailes, reforme all his outward waycr, and fo come to Chriff. To Chriff let us come fully in refpe& of the affe&ion with which we come, with all our hearts, and with all our foules ; with our un- derffanding to know him, with our wils to choofe him, with our imaginations to think upon him, with our affe- &ions to feare, truft, love and rejoyce in him. To Chrift let us come fully in refile& of the Medium by which we come, even in the ufe of all the Ordinances of God ; and in refpe& of the terme whereunto we come,even unto the whole Chriff; unto the wij dome of Chriff, to be guided by it ; unto the power of Chriff, to depend upon it ; the rigbteoufneffe of Chriff, to be juffified by it ; unto the merit of Chriff, to receive all good things through it ; unto to the promifes of Chrift, to beleeve thena;unto the cöm andements of thrift, to obey them. He that conies not fully,comes'deceitfully to Chrift,and departs unprofitably from Chrift : He alone enjoyes Chriff, who comes univerfally to Chriff. Thirdly, to Chrift let us come H 2 holily