Grosse - BV4500 G76 1640

TO MY MOST DEARLY' Beloved, and much honoured Friends,,I (howfoever dignified or difinguilhed) t e Iiibabitants of Plynzpton St. Mary, the encreafe of all raving grace and ever - lafting blifl`e. O V E among the Ancients was pourtrayed and fhadowed out by, and under the image of a Woman cloathed in a green garment,havin written in her forehead, Procul_ grope, a farre off, and neer at hand in her breaff, Mors 63 vita,life and death ; in the hemme of her garment; "yems & ,eHas, winter and fumtner ; in her fide, t%ülitu apertum, an open wound, through which her heart within might be Peen. My love to you ( farre from me be all bate flattery and Pelf commendation) hath been very fer- vent, like the love of women ; green, and never Wither- ing, alwayes frefh and flourifhing ; nor onely while I was prefear wire you, but frnce I have been abfenr from you, the fenfe at left of my love hath been more ¶ ' abundant