Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Mimffers dijbenfers ofBlefflnj% the fweeteft, themoff noble and Cure poffeflion ; he bath no caufe to complains of want who bath the fruition of Chrift ; the foule which enjoyeth Chrift as his King, as his counfellor,as his friend, as his treafure, as his bridegrootne, as his fhield and fountaine, bath the higheft honour, the choifèft wifedome, the fweeteft comfort, the belt riches, the moll heart- reviving love, the fureff defence, and the chieféft and molt abiding and foule-contenting fulneffe :Of all the gifts of G od Chrift is the worthief} ; of all the effates of men theirs is the fweeteft and motf comfortablewho have Chrift for their poffeffion. 99 CHAP. XIV. He fecond generali part in thefe words is a beneditlion, I uttered by the Minifters of the Lord, We have bleffed you out of the haufe of the Lord ; wherein we have, r.the parties biding, the Minifters of the Lord ; We, whoare cal- led of God to this facred funaion , who are appointed to make prayer and fupplication for you, to pronounce a blet- fing upon you. Holy and faithfufl cílliniffers are the inffru- mentall caufes ofgreat bleJngs to Clods Church andfervants. 2. here is their Al?, an aft of blefling , We have blef fed : Minifters blare the people fometime by way of vote and exoptation, prayer and fupplication ; fometime by way of vocals pronunciation, pronouncing good things in the name of God upon them ; fometime by way of prophecyeandpre- dil?ion, foretelling great bleflings tocome ; fometime by way of dottrine and inffrut/ion : They declare and open the bleffings which God bath prepared for them, and the Lord by them as by his minifteriall inftruments commu- nicates his grace and blellìng to the people. It mutt 6e the care of Miniffers fo to demean themfelves in their funtlion, L z that Note. Note.