Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

i to Manmy? mifrKblesmithoretChriff andthe JCo.ffiell. 3.OfServituJc c Ifa g t.7. 4.Of Emptines f.Of Pollutiö. 3. An eflate offervitude and bondage. Ifrael continued un- der hard bondage, untill Moles andefaron came to deliver them, untill the Lord raifed a fiery pillar to condud them out of Egypt unto Canaan. Man abides under the hard bondage of Satan and his owne corruption, untill theLord fends his lvlinifter to free him, and fets up the fiery pillar of his word to lead him out of this fervile and flavifhcon- dition Man without the Gofpell is in prifon, and bath no key to open it ; he is taken captive, and bathno wea- pon to refifl his enemy , to procure his freedome ; he is manacled with many fetters, and bath no hammer todif- folve and look them ; Mans condition without the mini- fiery of the Gofpell is very bafe and fervile i When and where the Gofpell fhineth, then and there as the Prophet fpeaketh, The c eyes of the blind are opened, the prifoners are brought out from the prifon, and they that fit in darineffe out of the prifon-houle, 4. An eflate of emptineffe and barren- nefle. The field without the dew is unfruitfull, the foule without the dew of divine and heavenly doérinediflilling thereupon, beares no good fruit ; there is no lawfùll con- ception without an husband, all the fruit of the foule, not efpoufed toChrift by the Gofpell, is illegitimate, and a very abomination; there is no reaping, where is no fowing : The foule whi4 is not fowne with the feed ofthe wordyeelds no harvcOofgrace,they arebarren ground nigh to burning, who arcftrangers to theGofpell.S.Anelate ofpollutionand unclea- neffe. Thehoufewithout thebefome is overfpread with {lime and cobwebs;Naaman continuedleprous until( he went feven times into 7ordan and wafhed ; the Temple was a-den of theeves till Chrift carne with his whip, and drove them out ; theheart ofman is an unclean houfe, without the befome cf the word fweeping it;the foule ofman is overfpread with the lothfoine leprofie of fin,untill he bathe himfelfe in the Jordan of theGofpell ; the wholeman is a very den of theeves , untill Chrift comes, and by the miniftery of his word fcourge and drive them out : The miniftery ofthe Gofpell is theoutward infirutnent and naeanes of the foules cleanfing : Every foule effranging it felfe fromGodsordinance is under the power of un-