Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Goifiell mall not be fleighted, YIf Capernaums fall and deftruc`tion was anfwerable to herexal- tation. God will make fuch men defolateat lafr, as leave the houfeofGoddefolatenow. Secondly, let it be our care and wifedome, not to height care cGods and undervalue the labours ofGods Minifters, and the pre- Mini(}.ers. fence and publication of the Gofpell ; preferring our bafe and fervile Iufts above it, as Efam did a mein: ofpottageabove his birthright, exalting the vaine and empty things ofthe world above ir, as the menof Shechem fet thebramble above the vine ; this is the cifterne by which God conveyed the rivers ofhis grace, of his fweeteft and choifeft blefíings to the foules of men ; therefore doe not deride this as a foolifh thing .; a light, an idle, a fruitleffe thing, as a light head, as I CO12'4. a bstóling fjieech ; but remember this is Gods ordinance, the Nu"''' 2.5. infirument by which he bath appointed tominifter falvation unto man, as he ordained tofave Ifrael by the ftaffe and Hone in `Davids hand ; this is the -arme and power ofGod unto falvation ; this is the fiery pillar by whichhe will guide us ; this is the Bethesda in which he will heale us ; this is the immortal/ feed by which he will regenerate us ; this is the grecne pa.f ure and (till water by which he will leade and feed us ; this is the trumpet, at the foundwhereofhe will make the orals of 9cricho, the holds of Panne to fall ; this is the flcrc-homf in which the Lord will enrich us ; this is the ban- quetting-hoefie in whichGod will betrothus tohis Son Chrift Jefus ; this is the river by which the Lord will water,. re- frefh and glad us ; and this is the `Dove by which God will fend the Clivebranch of peace unto us. Undervalue not this then, which is to our foules a Sun of fo many bright and comfortable beanies, a tree loadenwith Inch variety offoule- nouri',ing fruit, a mefjèngcr comming with filch joyfill, peaceable, and pacifying tydings, a flore-hossfè enriching us with filch matchlefï'e treafures, and an infirum,ent ofthe chIi- í'eft, fulleft, and everlafting bleflings. How blind are they who fleight the light of this Sun ? how ignorant are they who dif:{teeme theworth of this pearle ? how diftempered` are their palates who rellifhnot the fweetn::fle of this feat: ? how deafeare their cares who are not. affected with this joy- M 2 full