Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Sel f W ife, Pelf-milled, felf.luted. 133 univerfall dominion, is a great firanger to felfe-deni- all. Sorts nor. - Some deny not their owne wifedome, Chrift reignes not 4 try of in their underflanding, they are u wife in their owne eyes, ekemfelves, they embrace not Chrifts direelion, Chrift is not in Read ,,Self -wife. of eyes unto them, as w Hoba6 was to Mofes and Ifrael in t;. ica,I.z1. their journeyes through the wilderneffe ; they aske not coup-. w Num.1.o.3o. fell ofChrift, but walke after their owne counfell , they make not their wifedome to ftoop to Chrifis wifedorne, , and therefore folly dwels with them, Chrift is not knowne to them; he of all men fees leaf of Chrift, and continues i moil foolifh that moR exalts and magnifies his owne know- ledge. Some deny not their oxrne Wils, they make not ChriRs z.Self-willed. will the rule of their will, but fet up their owne will to be the rule ofChrtfits will, and make their owne will the Law by which they walke,as it was foretoldofthe KingofÇreece, that he fhould X Rand up and rule with great dominion, x Dan. z1.3. and doe according to his will : fo it is trueof thefe men, Pia!z,a. they Rand up againft Chrift, and they rule and fway-over Chrifts Lawes , Mini lers , Ordinances, and Offices, and doe all things according to their owne will. In the dayes of Micah the Idolater , there was no King in Ifrael, and every man did that which was right in his owne eyes : Thus thefe men are without a fpirituall King,Chrifi doth not reigne in their foules, but they doe what is right in their owne eyes, they are Yrebe/lions people, lying children, children that ylfa.3o.9e10, will not heare the LaW of the Lord, Which fay to the Seerfee not, and to the Prophets,prophefie not unto usright things,afoake unto us fmooth things, prophefie to us deceits. ChriR bath no kingdoine in the foule which is fwayed by vaine delufion, and carnali counfell. Some will not deny their owne affections, they will not Self-luílcd. put them under, but fufi'cr them to Lord it over Chrift, ChriR bath not the preheminence in their feare, trufi, love, joy but as the Lord faid to .Ely, thou z honourefl thy, foes above me, fo thefe men honour their afe6tions and tufts I Sam.z, 29. above Chrif.Solomon obferved in his time .a firvants riding a accl.s.,o. on