Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

fromSelfdenra.Y, the gifts andcreaturesof Chrift,andnfe them again(, andnot for Chrift, God forbid. . 5. The fWeet and heavenly comforts arifïng to the foule, from a through felf-denyall, and full fubieblion unto Chrift. Hence arifeth the comfort ofliberty and 'freedome from the fervitude of the creature, and ofevery fif,full 13f1, mi- niftring matter of greater joy to the foute, then fnelhad, to fee themfelves freed from 'Pharaoh, and the burth: ns of E ypt. Hence arifeth the comfit of the evidence cf grace , by this man knowes the holy and gracious worke of God Now he can give thank! to Clod the Father, for that be bath ma !e him meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light , and bath delivered him from the power ofdarkZne« , and tranfiated him into the kingelome of his Beare Sonne : Now he can with joy fay with the 1Jfilmift, come and I Will fhew What the Lord bath done for my feule. Hence arifeth the comfort of alacrity and cheerfulneffe in the fer- vice, now the heart is enlarged, and man can runne the way of Gods commandements, now he commeth forth like the Sun, and rejoyceth like á mighty man to run his race. Hence fpringeth the joy of love to Chrit'r, now the objects of all corrupt and bafe love are removed, and Chrift is become the foie obi :6f of the foules love , and now it delights it f lfe in Chrift, as the bride in thebride- groome. Hence commette the comfort of Chrifis power and prefence, now he is difcerned reigning in the foule asa Prince of peace in his Throne, ftbduing all corrupt and carnali lefts, as y o, ?uah fubdued the Ainalekites, driving Satan from the foule of man, as the Gibeonites difcerned fofivah driving away the Amorittfh Princes ; now he is difcerned difpelling all blindneffe and errour from the un- derltanding, as the Sunne difpelleth darkneffe from theeye; now he is difcerned binding up the broken heart, mi hea- ling the wounded confcience, as the ficke difcerneth the Phyfitian healing his difeafe ; now he is difcerned paci- fying and quieting the troubled and perplexed foule, as the Difciples difcerned him appearing and calming the ftormy tempefl ; now he is difcerned povrringin the fpiritualloyle of 151 s.Crmforts r.fing from Sclf-dcnyail.