Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

34 u Ioh.S.; s sy: Sam,t gm turnes to hatred': He is no ufanne, but a (lave; no Spoufe, butaharlot, which abides not with Chrift to theend. Ha- ving therefore once received Chrift, abide with Christ, re- taineChrift in everyelate, abide withChrift ; Man changes, as Mai.withDavid, in.lifeand in death, Depofition ofSin andtheWorld. CHAPS Va. Meanes difpa_. : "7Hus of the manner of receiving Chrift in the Gofpell,. fing and in. the fecond thing is. the medium, or meanes difpoiing. Abling to re. and inablingus to receive Chrift with rcjoycingand thanks-. ceive Chrift. giving. The meanes are there : t, Full depofi-1 I. A full and through depofuion and puttingaide ofall that Lion of what-is is,contrary to Chrift t, there mutt be a depo ìtion, offins,:,, contrary to all. motes , diftempers , and blindneffe being put away out Tl%ngs to ! of the eye, the eye joyfully receives the Sunne,. ignorance, be depo1ed and and errour being put uut of the' underftanding'; Chrift the laid alide. swine of Righteoufnefle is joyfully received in our know- tset, ledge, the knowledgeof Chrift becommethcleare and plea- ' fant to thefoule ;, wttheredneffeand infirmity being removed from the hand, the hand readily receives the gift :: Luber leefe which wounds, and withers the hand of faith , be- ing removed from the heart, man cheerfully euter- t;. tatnes.:Chritt,., and is. filled with x allig, in beleeving; re- bellious, proud, and mutinous perlons beingput out oldie kingdome, the King is joyfully entertained by the people; pride, Y imaginations, and every. high thing which doth exalt st f lfe againf the knoWledge of god being call dnrne and brought into captivity to the obedience of Chris, Chrift is gladly received;: ftrange love and ftrange lovers being put farce from the wife , the husband is cheerfully, received by the wife; the removal of ftrange lusts, and'corrupt affr- dions prepares the heart to a joyful' entertainment of Chrift :. k,a Cor. ro. g.