Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

Not with flefb and blood. Iii his Epifile CO Lyciniug, one ofexcellent parts,but wicked, who once was his Scholar, (peaks thus pathetically to him: 0 howl could weep and mourne over thee, to fee fuch a fparkling wit proffituted to the devils fervicel if thou hadft found a golden chalice, thou wouldeft have given it to the Church,but God bath given thee a golden head, parts and wit, and in this propin& teip- pmDid olo, thoh drinkeft thy felf to the devil. When you fee men of power or parts, ufinn b them againft God that gave them, weep over them; better they had lived and died, the one flaves, the other fools, thendo the devil fuch fervice with them. Secondly, 0 ye Saints, when reproached and perfecuted,look Tire. 2. further then man, fpend not your wrath upon him; alas, they are but inftruments in the devils hand ; fave your difpleafure for Satan who is thy chief enemy, thefe may be won to Chrifts fide, and fo become thy friends at Taft. Now and then we fee fome running away from the devils colours, and wafliing the wounds with their tearer, which they have made by their cruelty. 'Tis a notable paffage in ...fnfelme, who compares the heretick and perfecu tour to the boric, and the devil to the Rider. Now,faith he, inbattel, when the enemy comes riding up, the/valiant foulit dier, Non irafcitur equo, fedepiti, quantum potefi agit ut e- quitern percutiat, equtim poffideat ; tic contra malos hominei agen clam, non contra tilos, led ilium qui ilia initigat, sit dun: Diabolus vinc"itur, infxlices gams poffidet liberentnr: He is angry not with thehorfe but horfeman, he 'labours to kill the man that he may poffeffe the honk for his ufe : Thus mutt we do with the wicked, we arenot to bend our wrath again ft them, but Satan that rides them,and fpurs themon,labouring by prayer for them asChrift did on theCroffe,todifmount the dtvil,that Ic thefe mi- ferable follies hackneyed by himmay be delivered Fromhim. `Tis more honour to take one foule alive out of the devils clutches, then to leave many flain upon the field. Erafintis faith of Au gqine, that he begg'd the lives of thofe hereticks, at the hands of the Emperotrs Officers, who had been bloody perfecutours of the Orthodox ; cupiebat, faith he, arnicau medicos foperege, quo: ante ftiafinaret: Like a kinde Phyficianhe defired their life, that. if poffible he might work a cure on them, and make them found in the faith, A a 3, CHAP..