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Put on the whole Armour ofGod. the heart of his with love, joy, holy defires, feares ; foSa- tan fills the (inners heart with pride, lull, lying : Why hath Sa tan filled thy heart, faith Teter ? And thus fill'd with Satan (as the drunkard with wine) he is not his own man,but Satans flave. Fourthly, the Elate of unregeneracy is a flare of friendfhip with fin and Satan. If it be enmity againfl God, (as it is) then friendfhip with Satan. Now it will be hard to make that foule fight in earneft againft his friend. Is Satan divided ? will the de- vil within fight againft the devil without ? Satan in the heart fhut out Satan at the door? fometimes indeed there appears a fcufflehetween Satan and a carnal heart, but it is a meer cheat, like the fighting of two fencers on a ftage , you would think at firft they were in carnal., but obferving how wary they area where they hit one another, you may foon know they do not mean to kill : and that which puts all out of doubt, when the prize is done, you shall fee them making merry together, with what they have got of their Speetatours, which was all they fought for ; when a carnal heart makes the greateft buffle a- gainft fin by complainingof it, or praying againft it, follow him but off the ftage of duty, (where he hath gained , the re- putation of a Saint, the prize he fights for) and you fall fee them fit as friendly together in a corner as ever, Firfi, this takes away the wonder of Satans great Conquefts vfe r, in the world : when you look abroad, and fee his vaft Empire, and what a little fpot of ground contains Chrifts fubjeets, what heaps of precious fouls lie proflrate under this foot of pride, and what a little regiment of Saints March under. Chrifts banner ; perhaps the ftrangeneffeof the thing may make you ask, Is hell stronger then heaven ? the armes of Satan more victorious then the Croffe ofChrIft ? No fuch matter : Confider but this one thing, and you will wonder that Chria hath any to follow him, rather then that he bath fo few. Satan findes the world unarm'd, when the Prince of the world comes, he findes nothing to op- pofe ; the whole foule is in a difpofition toyield at firft fum- mons ; and if Confcience, Governour for God in the creature flandsout a while, all the other powers, as ivill and affedions are in a difcontent, (like mutinous fouldiers in a garrifon) who never reft till they have brought over confcience to yield , or I againft 57