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. . . Put on the whole Armour ofGod. ileptctO CHAP. III. Sheweth that the Armour weufe for our defence againfi Satan,mullnot only bedivine by Inflitu- lion, but conflitutionalfo. CEcondly, the Chriftians Armour mull be Armour of God, in 3. regard of its make and conftitution. My meaning is, 'tis not only God, that muft appoint the weapons and armes the Chriftianufeth for his defence: but he muft alfo be the efficient ofthem, he muft work all their work in them and for them. Prayer is an appointment of God, yet this is not armour of proof, except it be aPrayer of God flowing from his Spirit. Hope, that is the helmet the Saint bycommand is to wear, but this hope muft be Gods creature ; who bath begotten us to a lively hop, Jude to. Faith that'sanother principal piece in the Chriftians furniture,' Pet. I.;. but it mutt be thefaith of Gods EleEi. He is to take righteouf- neffe and holineffe for his breaft-plate : but it mull be true nelre, Eph. 4.24. Pat on the new Man) which after God is createdE41.4,24. in rtghteoufnefe and true holinere. Thus you fee, it is not armour r as armour, but as armour ofGod, that makes thefoul impreg- nable. That which is borne of God overcorneth the world. A faith borne of God, a hope borne of God, but the fpurious a- dulterous brood of duties and graces, being begot ofmortal feed, cannot be immortal. Mutt the fouler armour be of Gods make ? be exhorted then Vre to look narrowly, whether the armour ye weare be the work- manfhip ofGod or no. There is abundance of falfe ware put offnow adayes : little good-armour worne by the multitude of Profeffours : 'tis Satansafter-game he playes, if he cannot pleafe the rimer with his naked flare of prophaneneffe ; then to put him off with fomething like grace, fome flighty ftuffe, that (hall neither do him good, nor Satan hurt ; thus many like children, K 2 that