Hale - BR120 H364 1684

( 2 I very little while there arofe a more fublime Party of men, called the Independant or Congregational men, which much defpifed the former, as not arrived to a Juft Meafure of Re- formation. Shortly after that there arofea kindof LayPar- ty, which as much undervalued the Independant, and indeed the Miniftry in general. After that there arofe a Party difcriminating it felf from all the former, viz. the Qakers. Thefe 'various Parties were as fo many Subdivifions and Re&ifications of what went before. Now the Means ofholding up this Difcrimination ofPar- ties are certain feletf Opinions, Pratlices, or Modes, which are like the Badgesor Colours that give eachParty his De- nomination, Diftin&ion, and Difcrimination : And confe-- quen.tly thefe Difcriminative Badges have as great a rate fet upon them as eachSe& Pets upon it fell; and therefore mull beupheld under the very Notion ofthe life ofReligion, and- mutt be maintained with the greateft fervour imaginable ; for otherwife the Dittin&ionof theSe&s themselves would fall to theground, and become contemptible both among themfelves and others, becaufe otherwife there would ap- pear.very little and inconfiderable reafon upon trifling ors fmall reafons, to Separate andDivide from others, and to Un-Church and Un-Chritlen them that arenot Their Com- pany or Society.. PART