Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE EDVVAR D LoRD DENNY, BARON OE WALTH...4M, , My moll bountifull Patron, GrlfCe and Prace. }liGHT HONOY!I.ABLE, • Hu ad"Y.tntage as,holler bath abo'lie otbm, th.tt hecannot be idlt, andthat hee can wor~ without in(lruments. For, the mindinuredto contemplation, ll!iOfet it felfe on wor~, whenother occafiom faile: andbath nomorepower not to Jlm/y, than the eye wbirb u open, bath,not tofeefomething; in rrbicb bu/ineffi it c,;rries tJbout his owne LibJary, neithercan complaine to 'Want 'Boo~mhile itenjoycth it Jelfe. 1 cot~fd not then negleff the commodit} ofthuplentifullleafure in my Joeafie attendance here; but (though bejides nry courfe, and without the bel pc ofothm l!Jritingt) mufl needs bujie my Jelfe in Juch thot~ghts M J ha"JJe e'lier giwn accotmt of, t9your Lordjhip : jtich M j hope fha/1 not bee unprojitabii!-J, nor unwelcome to their Patron, to their 1?,eaders. J fendtbem fortbfrom hmce, tmd" your Honourable name; toJhewyou that no abfence, no imploy1 mellt canmake me forget my due rej}ef:l toyotlr Lord/hip: to wbom M z. (next