Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

~ · TheEpiftle Dedicatorie. (next under mygracioUJ lvfajler) I ha"Pe defer'}Jed!J bequeathed v felfe and myendea'}Jours.~urgoodnejfoht~thnot 'Jllom to mag~ ifte itftlfe m~re ingi"Ping, than in recei-pir.gfuch li~e holypre, entJ :thelr.zlowledge whereofhath intit!edyouto more labours of this tJifture (if I ha)e numbredaright) than any ofyourPeem• .f mifdo"bt not eitheryour accepwion, or their ufe. er hat q od, 'Who hathabo"Pe a0hi4 other fa-pours gi-pmyour Lordfhip, t"Pen in theft carelejfe times, an heart truly religiotu, gi)eyou an happi e_, increafl ofaOhit hetrpeniJgraces by my unworthy(er11iu. 'To hu gracioUJ care I dailY. commendyour Lordfhipwithmy Honoura, ble Lady;wifhingyou both,t~O tbt~t little joy earth ca11 ~~lfoordyou, tltfd fulnejfe ofglorJ 11bo"Pt. Non-fuch. !u{J 3· Your LordJhips ~op humb?de'lotttl(or el>tr in alJ dutie 4nd e~ftrvanu, Jos: HALL.