Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

HOLY OBSERVATIONS. I. S there is nothing fooner dry than a teare; fo there is noti,Ung "lilli:"V"!.I\3,1fr.ln""' fooner out offeafon than worldly forrow: which ifit be frdh and ilill bleeding,finds fome to comfon and pity it;ifilale and skinned over with time,is rather enrenained with fmiles,than commiferation:But the forrowof repentance comesnever foiUt of time. All times are alike untothat Eternitie, wheretowee makeourfpiriruallmones: Tharwhichisp:.il, thatwhichis .__._;;...:..;;....._-., future, are bothprefent with him. It is neitherweake nor uncomely,for an oldman ro weepe for the finnes ofhis youth. Thofe teares cannever be lhed tithertoo foone, ortoo late. 2. Some men live to be their owne executors fortheir good name; which they fee (nothondHy)buried,beforc themfelves die.Someother ofgroatplace,andill defert, part withtheir good name and breath,at once, There is fcarce a vicious man,whofe name is not rotten before his carcaffe. Contrarily,the good mans nameis oft-times heire to his life; either borne after the deathofthe parent, for that envy would not fuffer it to come forth before: or perhaps fo well growne up in his life-time, that the hopetheroofisthdlaffi:ofhis age, ~nd joyofhisdeath. Awicktd mans name may D be feared a while;Coone after, it is either forgotten or curfed: The good man either lleepeth with hisbody in peace,or waketh (as his foule) in glory. 3· Oft-times thofe which lhew much valourwhile there is equall poflibility oflife, when they fee aprefem necdliry ofdeath, are found moft lhamefully timorous. Their courage was before grounded upon hope :that, cut off, leaves them at once defper:Jte and cowardly: whereas menoffeebler fpirits meet more cheerefullywith death; becaufe though their couragebe leffe,yet thcirexpecbtion was more. 4· I have feldome feene the fon ofan excellent and famous man,excellent: But that anill bird bath an ill egge,is not rare;children poffeffing as the bodilydifeafes,fo the vices oftheirparents. Venue is notpropagated': Vice is; evenin them which have it not reigning inthemfdves.Thegraine is fownepure,but comes up with chaffeand E husk HaR thou a good fonne~ He is Gods, not thine'. Is he evill~ Nothing but his linne 1s thme.Help by thy prayers and endeyours to ttke away that whtch thou hail given him, and to obtaine from God that which thou hail, and canft notgive: Elfe thou tnaift namehim a poffrffion; but thou lhalt finde him a lolfe. 5Th& things be comelyand pleafant to fee,and worthyofhonor from the beholder :Ayoung Saint,an old Mattyr,a religious Souldier,a confcionable Statefman,a greatmancourteous, alearned man humble, alilent woman, a chil.l underftanding M3 the