Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

158 The Yalianl man. LIB. I. fiages ofcommon l'<'fon:s, and then alone thinkes himfdfe in his !llturall ekmem, A when he is furowded within his ownwals. He isever jealous over himfelfe,and fiill { fufpetleth that which ot~ers applaud. There is no better obi<fr ofben~ficence; f~>r what he receives, heafcnbes meerdy to the bounty ofthe giVer; nothmg to ment. He emubres no man inmy thing but goodnelfe, and that with more ddire, than hope ro overtake. No man is fo contented with his li'!le, and fo jatiemunder miferies becaufe he knowes the greateft ev!ls are bdow h1s linnes,an the leafi favours abov~ his defervings. Hee walk" ever in ~we, and dare not but fubjetl every word and atlion roan h1h and juft cenfure.~j~ ls a lowlr. valley fwettly planted andwell watered; rheprou mans earth,whereon he tramp et~; bucfecretly. full ofwealthy Mines more worth than he that walkes overthem;a nch !lonefet mLead; arid !aftly, a tr~e Ternplc ofGod builtwith a low roofe. B UW~~~~UUUtJU~~UlUU~WW~U~A~UlAAltJUU! Of• Yaliantm~tn. HEundettakes withoutrafhnelfe, and perfonnes without feare: he luks not for dangers; butwhen they find him, hee beares themoverwith courage, with fuccefs.He bath ofhimes looktDeathin theface,andpalfed by itwith a fmile,and when he fees hemuft yeeld,doth at once welcome and contemne it. He fore-calls the worft ofall events,and encounters them before they come in a fecret andmentall warre ; and if thefuddenndfeofan unexpetledevill have furprized his thoughts,and infeo!tedhis cheekswith palenelfe; he bath no fooner digefied it in his c conceit,than he gathers up himfelfe,and infults ov<r mifch~fe. Hee is the mal!er of himk:lfe, and fubdues his pallions to reafon; and by his inward vitloty workes his owne}haec. Heeisafraid of nothing butthedifpleafure oftheHighefi , and runs away rom nothing but fin: he looks not 01'1 his hands, but his caufe;nothowllrong he is,but how innocent: and where goodnelfe is hi~ warrant,he maybe over-malkred,he ~annot be f~d. The fword is to hi~ thel~ft. ofai_Itriols, whic~ he drawes forth !hll as Defen t,not asChallenger,With a wilhng t.md of unwilltngnelfe:no mancan bettermannage it with more f:if~, withmore favour : he had rather have his bloud feen thanhisback;and difdaines ife uponbafe condition.Noman is more milde to a relentingorvanquilht adverfaty,ormorehates to fer his foot onaearcafe. He had rather fmother an injUty,than revenge himfelfe oftheimpotent::md I know notwhethermore detefts cowardlinelfeorcruelty.Hetalks little,andbrags lelfe;•nd D loves rather the Hlentl:mguageofthehand;to be feen than heard.He lies ever clofe within himfelf,armed withwife refolution,and will not be difcovered but by death ordanger. Heis neither prodm•ll ofbloodto mif-fpend it idlely, nornigaardly to fudge it,when either God ea . for ir,o.rhis ~ountrey:;nei.rher is he more llborallof ts QWDC hfe thanoforhers.Hts power IS hmtted by his wtll,and he holds it the noblell·r.evenge,that hemig~t hurt and ~?th not. Hee comman~s w~rhout tyrrany and tmpenoufnelfe, obeyes wtthout ferviltty, and changes not hts mmdwith his eftate. The height of his fpirits over-lookes 311 cafuolties,and his boldnefs proceeds neither. from ignorance nor fenfdefnelfe :but firft he values evils, and then defpifes them : he i~ fo baUace~ withwifdome, t~llt bee fi!JatS fieddi~y in the ~idfi ofaU tempefts. Deh)>e:ate 10 luspurpofc:s, firme 11~ refolutlon, bo_ld 10 enterpnling, unweaned in atchtevtng, and howfoevcr,happy IQ. fu"elfe: and ifever hebe overcome, his heart E yeeldsla!l~ Of '