Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

CHA R. ~he P t1tient m•n. rrue Friend. 1---------------------------------------------- ,A ~~£~~~t~l~t~t~~~~t~~~~~~~~l~~!~~~~~£ltl£tt£t£~t~~~~t Of a Patient man. THe patient man is made ofa metall,not fo hard a$ flexible : his lhoulders are laroe fit for a load of injuries; which hee boares not out ofbafeneffe and co~va'rdlineffe, becaufo he d;ue not revenge, bur out ofChrillian fortitude, becaufe he rnay not: heehath fo conquere~·mfelfe, that wrongs_cannorconquer h1m1 ond herein alone finds, that vtctory eo s m yeeldmg. Hee ts above nature, while he fcemes below himfelfe. The vilde re<~ture knowes how to turne againe? but to command himf<;lfenot to refill being urged, is more than heroicall. His conB llrutlions are ever full ofcharity and favour;either this wrong W>S not done,or not with intent ofwrong; Ot ifthat,upon mif-informstioa; or ifnone ofthefe,rafhneffc (thouoh a fault)Oul ferve f, r. n :.;cufe.Himfelfcraves the offenders pardon,before his ct>~fdlion 1 anda fligh anfwer comtnts, where the otlended defires to forgive. He is Godsbell wi}oef!e, and when he !lands before the barre for truth, his tongue is calmdy free,his fore-head firme, and he with eretland fetled countenance heares his jult fentence,and rejoyces in it. The Jaylors that attend him, are to him his Paoes ofhonour1his dungeon,the lower part ofthe vault ofheaven;his rack or wheele, ~hellaires ofhis afcentto glory; hechallengeth his execurioners,and encounters the fierce!\ pain"s with llttngrh ofrefolunon, ·and while he fuffers, the beholders pity him,rhe rormentorscompbmeofweanncife,and both ofthemwonder. No angm!h can mafler him whether by violence or by lingring. Heaccounts expectation no puC ni!hment, and can abide to have his hopes adjourned nil a new day. Good !awes ferve for his protection,not for his revenge; and his ownepower, to avoyd indigni ties,not to returnerhem. His hopes are fo llrong, that they can infulr over the greatell difcouf3gements; and his apprehenGons fo deepe, that when he harh once f.•ltned, he fooner leaveth his life than his hold. Neither time nor p, rverfeneffe can make him call offhis chal'itahleendevours, and defpaireofprevailing; but in fpight ofall croffes,and all denials, he redoublerh his beneficiall offers of!ove. Hee rrierh the fea aftermanylhipwracks, and hears llill at that doOl'e which he never faw opened.Contrariety ofevents cloth but exercife,not difinay him ;and wheA crotfes afHitt him, hee fees a divine hand invifibly llriking with thefe fenfible fcourges : again!\ which he dares norrebell or murmure.Hence all things befall him alike;and he goes with the fame minde to the lhambles,and to the fold. His recreations are calme and D gentle; and not more full of relaxation than void offury. This man onely can turne necellity into venue, and putevill to good ufe. Hee is the furell friend,the brell and eafiell enemy, the greacefl conquerour, and fo much more happy than others, by howmuch he could abide to be moremiferable. ~~t~~~~~~~tt~~~t~~~~t~~l~~~t~~~t~~~~lt~~~~A~t.A£~tlt~t 0 f the trueFrienf!. 'His affections arc both united and divided; united to him heloveth; divided betwixt another and himfelfe; and his owne heart is fo parred,rhat whiles he harh fome,his friend bathali.His choice is led by vertue,or by the hell ofverE u:e_s,Re!igion; not by gaine_,nor by _Pieafure; yet not without refpect ofequall condmon,ofdtfpofinon notunhke; whtch once made, admits ofno change,excepr hee _whomhe loveth, be_changed quire from_ himfdfe; nor that fuddenly,hut after long expecranon.Extremuy cloth but fallen him,wh,!es he,hke awe!-wrought vault,lies the llronger,by how_much morewetght he beares.When neceflity calls him to it,he can he 3 fervant to hts equall,w!th the fame willwherewith he can tommond his in1 ferior;and though he rife to honor, forgets not his familiariry,nor fuffers inequality ofellare towork llrangei\Cffe ofcountenance,on the other fide, he lifiS up his friend p, to