Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

The Superftit.ious. CJ"he Profane. A askes not more then he askes ; and all bur what he lhould give; and makes more finne the~ the Ten Commandements.This man dares nor ftirre forrh till his brdl be crolfed,aod his face fprinkled: if but an Hlre crolfe him the way, hereturnes; or if his journey began unawares on the difmall day; or tfhe ftumble atthe threlho!J. If he fee a Snake uakilled he feares a mifchiefe; ifthe fait fall towards h1m , he lookes pale and red,and is not quiet till oneof the waiters have powred wine on his hp~e; and when he neezeth thinks them not hisfriends that uncover not. In the mormng heliftenswhethertheCrow crieth even or odde, and by that token prefages of the wearher.Jfhe hear but a Raven croke from the next roofe, he makes his will, or ifaBittour fiie over his head by night: but if his troubled fancy fhall fecond his thoughts with the dreame of3faire garden, ~r green ruOtes, or the f~lutarion of a B dead friend,he takes leave ofthe world,and fa1es he cannot hve. He w11l never fet to fea but on 3Sunday; neith<r ever goes without an Err• P•ur in his pocket. Saint p4.,!s day and S3int Swish•nts with the Twdvc,are his Oracles ; which he dares bekeve againft the Almanack. When he hes lick on h1s death-bed, no fin troubles him!o much,as that bedid once ear flelh on 3friday, no repentance canexpiatethat; the reft need none. There is no dreame ofhiswithout an interpretation , without a prediCtion ; and ifthe event anfwer not his expofition , heexpounds it according to the event. Every dark groveand piCtured wall ftrikes him with an 3Wfull, but carnail devotion, Old wive53od Starres •re his counfellers1 his night fpell is his gu3rd, and charmes his Phyfitiao.He weares Paracelfian Chareaars for the toorh-ach,aad a little hollowed wax is his Antidote for all evils. This man is ftrangcly credulQus,aod C calls impoffiblethings,miraculous:lfhe heare that fome facred block fpeaks, moves1 weeps,fmiles, his beare feet carry him thitherwith an offering: and ifa d3nger mifl'e him in the way,his Saint hath the tbankes. Some way hewilfnot goe, and fome he dares not; either there he bugges, or he faineth them; every lanterne is agho!l:, and ev..y noife is ofchaines.He knowes not why,but hi~ cuftome is to goea little about, and to leave the cro!fe frill on the right hand. On'! event is enough to make a rule; ourofthefe he concludesfathions proper rohimfdfe,and nothing can turne him out of his own courfe.!f he h3ve done his raske, he is fafe, it matters nor with what af· fetEon. Finally,if God will let him be the carver ofhis owne obedience, be cot>ld not have abetter fubjeCl,as he is,he cannot have a worfe. D Ofthe profane. THe fuperftitious bath too many gods: the profaneman hath none at all, unlefl'eperhaps himftlfbe his owne deit , and the world his heaven. To mattetofReligion, his heart is a peece ofl:Iead flefh,without feeling of love, of feare,ofcare,or ofpaine from the deafe ftrokes of a revenging confcience. Cuflome offinne bath wrought this fenllefnelfe, which now bath been fo long entertained, that it pleads prefcriptioo and knowes not to be altered. This is no fuddcn evill: we are born Gnfull,but have made our felves profane;through many degrees we climbe E to this height of impiety. At fit!l: he finned, and cared not; now he finneth and knoweth not.Appetite is his Lord,and Reafon his fervant, and Religion his drudge. Senfe is tl~erule ofhis beleefe; and ifpiety may be an advantage, he can at onte counterfeit and deride it.When ought fucceedethto him,he facrifices to his nets,aod thanks either hi_s lort\llle,or hiswit; and will rather make a falfc: God, thenacknowledge the trU'= 1£ comrary,he cries out ofde!liny, andblames him to whom he will ~or be beholden. His confcience would faine fpeak with him, but he will nor heare tt; fets.the ~ay,but he difappoims it;and when ircries loud for audience, be droY(nes the ~01fe wt~h goqd.fe~owfhip.He never names God,but in his oathes; never thinh ofhtm, but 10 extremtty; and then heknowes not how to think ofhim, becaufe &c begins ~ut then. He·quarrels for the jtatd conditions ofhis pleafurc, for hisfuture damnauon;and from himfolflaies all rh~ fault upon his Maker; and from his decree Q2 fetcheth