Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

rheViflruflfull. rrhe Ambitious. L u.II. and boles the doore afrer him;aod then lludies whetherit were better to lie llill and A bekeve,orrife and fce.Neither is his heart fuller of fears,then his headfull ofllrange projeCls,and f.Jrre·ktchtconftrultions:What meanesthe llate,think you, in fuch •n aCtion, and whither tends thiscourfe! Learn< of me(ifyou know not:) the wayes of deep ~o~icies are fec~et, and full ofunknewne windings.1 that ~s their aCl ,_this will bethctnffue: fo calltng beyond the Moone,he makes wtfe and Jull proceedmgs fuf: pelted. In all his predillions and imaginations, he ever lights upon the worll ; not what is moll likely will fall out, but what is moll ill. There is nothing that he takes not with the left hand:notextwhich his gloffe corrupts not. Words, oathes, parch. ments,feales,are but broken Reeds; thefe lball neyer deceive him ; he loves no pay. ments but real!. Ifbut one in agehJvemifcarried bya rare cafualty, he mifdoubts thefame event.Ifbut a Tile fat ne from an high roof, have brained a paffenger, or the B breakingof a Coach-whede have endangered the burden, he f weares he will keep home or take him to his horfe. He dares not come to Church,for feare ofthe croud; not [pare the Sabbaths labour, for feare ofthe want; not come neer the Parliament houfc,becaufe it lhould have been blown up. What might have been, alfetls him as much as what will be.Argue,vow,protell,fweare; he heares thee,and beleeves him- . fdfe.He is a Sceptick,and dare hardly give credit to his fenfes, which hehath often arraigned offalfe imdligence.He folives,as ifhe thought all the world were theeves, and were not fure whether himfelfwere one. He is uncharitable in his cenfures, un. quiet in his feares;bad enough alwaies,bur in his ownopinion much worfe then he is. c Ofthe Ambitious. AMbition is a proud covetouflleffe,a dry thirll ofhonour, the longing difeafe ofreafon, anafpiring and gallant madnelfe. The ambitious climbes up high and perillous llaires, and never cares how to comedowne;the defireofrifing hath fwallowed up his feare ofa f•li.Having oncecleaved(likeaburre)to fomegrea< mans coar,herefolves not to be lbaken off with any fmall indignities, and finding his hold thorowly fa(!, calls how to infinuate yet neereJ, and therefore he is bufie and fervile in his endevours ropleafe,and all his officious refpetls rumhome to himfdfe. He can be at once a Gave ro command,an Intelligenc<rto inform, aParafite to footh D ond llatter,a Champion to defend, an Execution<rto revenge any thing for an ad. vanrageoffavour. HehathprojeCledaplottorife, and woe be to the friend that llands in his way. He llill haumeth the Court,and his unquier fpirit haunteth him 1 which having fetcht him from the fecure peace ofhisCountry-rell,fets him new• and impoffible taskes, and after many difappointments,incourages him to try the fame fea in fpight ofhis lhipwracks,andJ'romifes better fuccdfe. A fmall hope gives him heart againll great difficulties, an drawes onnew ex pence, new fervility 1 perfwa· ding him(like foolilh boies)to lhoot away a fecond lhafr,that he may find the firll.Ho yeddeth,and now fecure ofthe iffue,applauds himfelfin that honour, which he l!ill alfect<th,llill miffeth;and for the !all ofall trialls,will rather bribe for atroublefome prefcrment,thenmurne void ofa little. But now when he finds himfdf defperatdy E croifed,and at once fpoiled both ofadvancement and hope,both offruitionand poffi. bility, all his defire is turned into rage, his thirll isnO\v onlyof revenge; his tongue founds ofnothing but detraltion & Oander:Nowthe place he fought for, is bafe, his rivall .unworthy,his adverfary injurious,officers corrupt,Court infectious 1 and how well is he that may be his own man,his ownmallcr; that may live fafdyina meane dillance,at pleafwre,frte from lbrving,free from burning! But ifhis ddign<S fpeed well1ere he be warm in that feat,his mind is poffeffcdofnn ~igher. What he hath, is buta dcgrte to what be would have:now he fcorneth what he formedly afpired to ; hisfucceffedoth notgive him fo much contentment os provocation1neither can he be at reft, fo long as he bath one,either to over.look, orto match , or to emelate him. When his Country-friend comes to vifit him,hecarries him up to the awful prefence1 an