Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

TO TH RIGHT H~O N 0 V R A BLE, AND HOPEFVLL LORD, RoBERT, EARLE OF E·SSEX, my fingular good Lord, all increafe of Cjrace and true Honour; RIGHT HONOVRABLE, j'~~~iJIHileft I defired to congratulate your hap; Ill py returne with fome worthy prefent; I fell upon this: which I dare not onely -offer, but commend; the royalleil: Philofopher and wifell: King, giving you ~~::;;;, ;J thofe precepts, which the Spirit ofGod gave him. The matter is all his: nothing is mine but the method, which I doe willingly fubmit to cenfure. In that, he could not erre ; in this, I cannot but have erred, either in Art, or application, or fenfe, or diforder, or defec1: yet not wilfully.! have meant it well, andfaithfullyto the Church ofGod; and to your Honour, as one ofher great hopes. If anymoin fhall cavil!, that l have gone about to c01·rec1 Salomons order, or to comroule Ezek,jM fervants : I complaine both of his charity, and wifdome ; and appeale to more lawfiJil judgement. Let him as well fay, that every Cpncordance perverts theText. I lnve ondy endevoured to . Rz _ ~