Hall - HP BX5133 .H34 1647

TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY MONARCH OVR DEARE AND DREAD SOVE~ 'RJfiCj0(__L01(V, lAMEs, 'BYTHECjOOV provrdence ofGod, Kmg ofGreat BR ITAI NE, FRANcE and IRELAND· the mdfl.rvorthy and ' ' ')" moll: able Defender ofthe Faith, and moft: grac-ious Patron ofthe Church; t.AO Ptaceand H~tppi11t/fo. Moft gracious Soveraigne : _ . Cannot fo over ~love this ilfue ofmy own brain, as to hold it worthy of your Ma~ jeil:ies judicious eyes ; much lelfe of the higheft Patronage under Heaven : Yet now,my very dmy hath bidden me look fo high ; and telsme it would be no lelfe then injurious, if llhould not lay down my work,where I owe my fervice; and that I fhould offend if! prefumed not; Befides, whither {hould the·rivers run, but into the Sea ~·It is to yourMajefty (under theHigheft) that weowe both tbefe fweet opportunities ofgood, and all the good fruits of thefe happy opportunities,: If we lhould. not therefore freely offer to your Majefty fome prxnietiall handfuls ofthat crop,whereofyon may challcHge the wJ10le harwft,howcould we be but fhamele{ly U11H;i¥~!&rWTcan,; not praife my Prefent othefwife then by the' Wuth 'i:lf tl:iacheart fi·o which it proceedeth:Only, this I ~1ky raf; tl]at fei~. dome any man bath oifered to your Royal! hands a gte8:t!:t bundle of!11S own tboughts(fome whereof,as it muft needs fall om ~mongft fo inany, have been confeffed profitable) A3 nor