Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BB.ILLIANA HARLEY. 45 vilinees which they did. I take it for a mercy that your father had not a hand in it, sence they weare so ill furnished. I hard this day that my lord of Excexes was meet neare Bareke by the treshewe of Scotland, whoo toold him that the Scots had put in many men into Bareke. My lord of Execkes had 150 hundered men with him when he meet him, and vpon his words sent for 3000 more, but when he came to Bareke he found no such thinge, and then he sent the kinge word he should take heed of the tresurerer, vpon which the kinge comemanded him to his chamber; but they say he is broken away. It is confermed by euery on that the Scots haue gained all Scotland without sheeding any blood. I hard that 500 men' came out of Irland, and they are put into Carlile. Your father goos to morrow, if pleas God, to Heariford to the sessions, and thinkes not to returne tell saterday. My deare Ned, I did thinke that your tutor would be vnwilling you should come home tell affter the Act; I beleeue he dous it for your benifit, and I must and doo seeke that, beyond all content to meself ; but I cannot under- stand by your letter wheather he be content you should come home as soune as the Act is past, for that I desire you should doo, and I thinke you may well do. I beleeue my cosen Smith and his wife, and Burgh and his wife, brake theare promis with you, and did not come to you this Ester. Colborne will informe you of all your frinds heare. I hope your worthy tutor is returned before this. I much reioyce to heare he is so carefull of you. I beceach the Lord more and more to incline his hart to sheawe a loueing care of you, and I hope you will indeuier to ansure his lone, with lone, and his care with all respect. I am sorry you haue boost so good company as my cosen Vahan. My deare Ned, be careful! of your health and neglect not exercise. The Lord in mercy blles you and presarue you from all eueill. I thanke you for the prophesy you sent me. Remember my saruis to your tutor. So I rest Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Apr: 22, 1639.