Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 49 soo great priuiledge as to partake of God's mercies in all conditions, labour to see ye great and infinite loue of God in Christ, in whom all thinges are made a blessing to us; but without whom, all conditions and all thinges are a curse. Be carefull of yor health for my sake. I belieue ye sneezing powder did you noe good, and let it teach you yt wisdome not to take medecines out of a strange hand. Your ffather returned well from Hereford ye last night, where ye deputie lieuetenants met about making choise of some of ye trayned band to be ready against ye king send for them. I hear from London that Mr. Simons (a worthy minister) and three or fower more are gone into ye low contreyes to shift for themselues. Dr Storton is very sicke. I am exceeding glad to heare that there is some hope of Mr Whatlyes recouerie. I thanke you for ye copie of ye oath you sent me. I doubt whether my lord Say & my lord Brooke be set at libertie, but I wish it be true. This morning I receaued yor ltre by ye carrier, & ye last weake yor l'er sent by Mr Braughton's man : they are wellcome to me, & you deserue thankes for them. Some indisposition enforces me to keepe my bed, weh is ye cause I make vse of another's penne.* I thanke God I am not worser than when I was wont to keepe my bed. Remember my seruice to yor worthy tutor, & tell him I am engadged in ye way of thankes to him for his care of you. I desire him, yf he doe not like ye piece of plate, that he would returne it to Burghe againe, wth directions of what fashion he wold haue it, & the weight of it 28 ounces, as yor ffather wrote to Burghe this should haue been, & write to Burghe that he send it downe to you to Oxford, & not to Brompton. I will, an't please God, send you a draught of yor ffathers acmes to put upon it. I woldhaue writ to Mr Perkins but that I am so bad. I pray God blesse you. Send me word how yor watch goes. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. * The concluding words, "your most affectinat mother, Brilliana Harley," are alone in the handwriting of the Lady Brilliana. CAMD. SOC. H