Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

50 LETTERS OF THE [1639. XXXIX. For my deare sonne Mr. Edward Harley. Deare Ned -I willingly take my opertunity both to giue you knowledg howe your father and meself doo, and to inquire affter you, and thearefore I cannot let this bearer goo without a letter, tho I haue but litteli time to rwit in, it being affter supper. My deare Ned, when I receued your letter by Jones and by Coolborne I was indisposed, that I could not be out of my beed but now, I thanke God, I haue more liberty, in which I haue this contentment, that 1 can tell my minde to you with my owne penn. I acknowledg it Gods great mercy to me that you are well ; and I thanke youe for both your letter by Jones and Coolborne ; and tho Jones found you well, yet I did not repent my sending to see you. I was afraide you would haue had an ague ; but God sheawed both you and me what He could haue brough upon you, and His name be bllesed that He so soone withdrwe His hand. I hope I shall see you affter the Act, which I longe for, and I pray God giue me a joyefull seeing of you. I would by all means, and so would your father, haue the peace of plate changed for a bigger on of 30 ounces; the armes shall be sent you. I like the stufe for your cloths well ; but the cullor of thos for euery day I doo not like so well ; but the silke chamlet I like very well, both cullor and stuf. Let your stokens.be allways of the same culler of your cloths, and I hope you now weare Spanisch leather shouwes. If your tutor dous not intend to bye you silke stokens to weare with your silke shute send me word, and I will, if pleas God, bestow a peare on you. You did well to keepe the beasorstone and orampotabily with you. I thinke I forgot to rwite word that when the orampotabily is taken it must be stired tell it be disolued. Your cosen Fraces thinkes it will doo miracells. I thanke God, your father is well, and on thursday next he goos, if pleas God, toHariford. For meself, I haue not bine very well; but this day, I thanke God, I haue bine some thinge better. I haue bine