Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

60 LETTERS OF THE [1639. haue you give the mesenger my letter to my cosin Pelham, anddirect him to carry the venson to him. I thanke God your father is well, and so is your brothers and sisters. I haue not hard of any allterations in publicke affaires sence I rwite last to you. I beleeue you will gees whoo was your sister Dorritys secretary. My deare Ned, the Lord blles you and fill you with thos graseses which may make you shine in the eyes of His chill- deren ; in hast, I rest Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton: July 4, 1639. Remember My knife. Remember my saruis to goode and worthy Mr Pirkins. Let me knowe wheather he be as kinde to you as he was vsed to be. I would haue you rwit me word by this barrer when your tutor will, and pleas God, let you come home. XLVI. For my deare sonne Mr Edward FIarley, in Magdeline Hall, Oxford. Deare Ned -I rwite to you yesterday, and I beleeue to many others I should haue aleaged that, as an excuse for not rwiteing at this time, yet I cannot give meself leaufe to do so to you, but willingly I vse a kinde of violence to my other ocations, in takeing time to rwite to you, sence I cannot haue the contentment in speak- ing to you. I reseued your letter by the carrier this morning, so that Moene is now in request againe. I blles God that you are well, and my deare Ned, be carefull of yourself; be carefull of the health of your body for my sake ; and aboue all, be carefull of the health of your soule for your owne and my sake; and as to the body, thos things doo most hart which are of a deadly quallity as poyson, so nothing harts the soule like that