Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 61 deadly poyson of sinn; thearefor, my dearest, be wacthfull against thos great and suttile and vigilent enimys of your presious soule. I beleeue you knowe that one of the best parts of a soulder is to stand vpon his garde, and his greatest shame (next to runeing away) not to be found so; so is it in our spiritual) warefare; if Sathen surprise vs, he takes vs at his will, and if we turne our bakes and rune away, O ! he will persue tell we be taken. My deare Ned, I beleeue you are confident that you are most deare to me, thearefore thinke it not strange, if I am stuedious and carefull that your peace should be keept with your God, whous fauor is better then life. I longe to see you, and I hope I shall doo it shortly. I hope before this, you haue reseued your hate and stokens, but Burigh is something ngli- gent. Your father is, I thanke God, well ; he is ride abroode. In hast, I giue you this ascurance that I am Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Bromton, July5, 1639. Remember my loue to your worthy tutor. I should haue rwit to Gorg, but I haue not time. Your father has diuers times sence you went asked for strawbery butter, and in memory of you this day I made Hacklet make some. I wisch you a disch of it. XLVII. To her son Edward.-Endorsed, " For your deare self." My deare Ned - On tusday last by Tomas Miller I reseued your letter, which was not a littell welicome to me. I blles God that you are well, most ernestly desireing you may both inioy the fauor of your God, which is better then life, and the fauor of his endeared onsie, which should be more precious to vs than the good will of all the world besides. For the affaires of the Acte, I wisch you hard Miller make the relation : it seemes he meanes not to be a papis, for becaus he vnderstood nothing, he likes it not, and desires rather to be sent to Oxford at any other time then the Act. How biussy soeuer