Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1639.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 65 like him as well as any yonge jentellman I haue seene a greate while. I thanke God your father is well, and this day gone ahunting, and your brothers with him, it being procured with much dificullty from Mr Simons. My deare Ned, the Lord blles you and giue you that heauenly wisdome to remember your Creator in the days of your youth, that you may sarufe your God with an vpright hart, and the Lord in mercy teach you to profet in all the ways of wisdome, and leade you in the way in which you should walke. My deare Ned, omite not priuet dutyes, and stire vp your self to exercise yourself in holy con- ference, begg of God to giue you a delight in speaking and thinkeing of thos thinges which are your eternall treasure. I many times thinke Godly conference is as much neglected by Gods chillderen, as any duty. I am confident you will noways neglect the oper- tunity of profeting in the ways of lerning, and I pray God prosper your endeuors. My deare Ned, my thoughts weare filled with other obiects that morning you went away, which made me forget to giue you directions about the stufe I spake to you of; but I gaue Ions a pettren of what kinde of stufe I would haue; but I did not tell him any thinge ells; and I beleue he had not wite to conseafe my meaneing, that you should thus the culler. Remember my loue to your worthy tutor, and still beleeue that 1 much reioyce when I can expres meself to be Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. My cosen Dauis presents her saruis to you. Octo: 18. 1639. I would have you send this inclosed letter as soune as you can to Sr Gilles Bray, but by a safe hand. I haue sent you a baskett of Stoken apells ; theare are 4 or 5 of another kinde. I hope you will not dispice them, comeing from a frinde, tho they are not to be compared to Oxford appells. In the basket with the appells is " the Returne of Prayer." I could CAMP. SOC. K