Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

66 LETTERS OF THE [1639. not find the place I spake of to your tutor, when he was with me; but since, I found it, and hauee sent the booke to you, that he may see it, and judg a littell of it; for my part, I am not of that openion, that God will not grant the prayer of others, for the want of our joyeing with the rest, or that God dous stand vpon such a number; but I am not perrentory, but upon good reson I hope I shall yeald: but this I thinke and beleeue, that none joyne in prayer with others but thos that simpathise on with another; for it is not the consenting to, but the ernest desireing of the same. L. To her son Edward.-Endorsed, " For your deare selfe." Deare Ned - Your letter which I receued this day by Lemster carrier was very wellcome to me. I blles God that you inioy your health, and that your eye is now well, which I beleeue has put you to some paine. I thanke Mrs. Willkinson for her care of it, in which shee supplied my place. My deare Ned, I thanke God that the Lord has added the acomplischment of this yeare to the rest you haue lived; and I beceach the Lord whoo has our times in His hand and is the preseruer of man, that He would add many years to your life, that you may be full of dayes and full of gras, that you may line heare to the glory of your God ; to which end you weare made, and that affter this life you may inhearet eternity. I am glad you remembred your birth day; I did, and I blless God that I haue, had the comfort in seeing this yeare more added to you. I thanke you for the relation of the seae fight; to requite you, I haue sent you the currances of this weake. Many are of an opinion, the fleet was for Ingland. Bilesed be our God, whoo has wacthed ouer vs when we thought not of such an enimy. If the gooldsmith dous my wacth well for that prise I shall not think it to much. Your father is I hope well ; he went yesterday to the bischops