Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1640.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 93 reseued safe. I heare inclosed send you 20sh. out of which, pay for the lookeing glas, and the rest you may dispose of, as pleas yourself. I thinke Hall will bring the glas very well. So in hast I rest Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Deare Ned, remember me very kindly to your worthy tutor. The 208h I thought to haue sent in my letter is with the £10; take it out, and giue the £10 to your tutor. May 4, 1640. LXXVI. To her son Edward.-Endorsed, "For your deare selfe." My deare Ned -I thanke you for your letter this weake by the carrier; beleeue it, your lines are sweetly wellcome to me; it is my joy that you are well; the Lord in mercy presarufe you in health both of body and mind. I much desire to see you, and thearefore I haue rwit to your father, to desire him to giue you leafe to come home at Whitsontide. I thanke you for imparting to me what you know of the parla- ment, and I will requite you with what I knowe. Theas which I send you I had from my cosen Goowdine ; you may keepe them, for I had them rwit out for you. Edward Piner begins to goo abrood. Your brothers and sisters are well. I am not yet out of my beed. Remember me to your tutor. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. May 8, 1640. LXXVII. To her son Edward. -Endorsed, " For your deare selfe." My deare Ned -I rwit to you but a short letter by the carrier, intending to rwit this day againe to you, but I am not yet sartaine