Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

94 LETTERS OF THE [1640. whoo shall carry my letter. I doo so much desire to see you, that I haue rwit ernestly to your father to giue you leaufe to come home at Whitsontide. My deare Ned, I hope it will still be so that you shall be my great comfort. The Lord in mercy make you to grow in the sweet graces of His spirit, and then you will be lonely in the eyes of all Gods chillderen. I am glad you had a day of fast, which is a spirituali feast. I heare that the parlament had granted to them a day of fast, but I cannot tell when it was. I haue heareinclosed sent you your letter which you sent me, and I thanke you for it, and haue sent you some papers that weare sent me. I had two letters from your father this weake. I thanke God he was well, but he rwit not one word of the parlament; nor Sanky, when he rwits, he says nothing of your father, nor of the parlament. I pray God guie the two howes a happy vnion togeather ; for the effects of this parlement will not be indiffrent, neather good nor euell, but eather very good or ells the contrary. The depuety lefte- nants haue bine at Hariford sence wensday, aboute sending the soul- ders. Captaine Button is to be captaine of them ; he is, as they say, a proper jentellman. Roger Beeb was wilde for his brother being prest, but I could not preuaile with the wise counstablle of Bromton, and was constraind to send Samuell to the deputy leftenants ; they thought it much that I could not command that of him, which if I had sent to any jentellman in the cuntry, they would haue doun more, as they said. I heare the soulders are veryonruly. I thanke God your brothers and sisters are well, and Edward Piner is abrood againe. Good doctor Barker is, as they say, sike to death. Blechly has theas 2 days bin in griuious distres, and is in griuious agony of contience and dispare ; shee says shee shall be damned. Desire Mr Pirkins to pray for her, and, deare Ned, pray for her ; shee was with me, for her desire was ernest to see me and to speake with me. My deare Ned, long to see me, as I doo, to see you ; and the Lord in mercy give me comfortabell seeing you, which is much desired by Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY.