Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

114 LETTERS OF THE [1640-41. theaire hands to. I am toold that it is the way in all cuntrys, and that Mr Macworths gaue such derections. To me it dons not sound reasnabell; for, in my opinion, such hands should be taken as vnderstand it, and will stand to what thay haue doun. I heare my Lord Straford is aquesused of most abominabel maters, but I haue not hard any particulars. I had a letter from my cosen Harry Pelham, in which he dous much commend you. I beleefe you finde him to Sauer more of religion than his brother Hurberd. I am glad my brother is not goon to the army, and that my cosen Farfex has the honner of knightwood added to him. My lady Veere rwit me word, that shee was glad that you weare with your father, for shee thought it would be an aduantage to you. I hope the Lord will still gooalonge with the parlament, and tho wicked men wacth for theaire failleing, that they shallbe disa- ponted. I blles God that you finde yourself well; I beceach the Lord to continue your health, and aboue all, that you may inioy a sound judgment, an vpright hart, large affectionons to your God, which is the true health of the minde. Deare Ned, be carefull of yourself, and the more for my sake. Rwit me word what imployment your father puts Gorge Griffits brother to, which Mr Griffits toold me he sent vp the last weake to your father. I haue heare inclosed sent you 11s11 for the glases you sent me downe; they are very good and came very well to me. I thanke God my could is much better then it was, and I hope gooing away. I am now out of my beed; this is the first day. I pray God blles you. Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. Pheb: 15, 1640. Bromton Castell.