Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

P 18 LETTERS OF THE [1638-9. pasages in your hart; keepe that wacth still, and the more you knowe of your self, the lees you will trust in yourself, and then you will desire to be seet in that Rocke, which is higher then yourselfe, and so you will be safe. I hope theare will no such things be im- posed vpon your howes, as is in some others; and I hope, if it should be, you will keep to the truth in euery thinge; and, in my opinion, he whoo stands for the truth in a smale thinge (aswe thinke, for none of Gods truths in his saruis is smale), is of a more coragious spirit, then on that will only sheaw themselfes in greate matters. I hope this letter will meete you returned safe to the vniuercity, which I should be glad to be ashured of. My deare Ned, rwite to me as soune as you cane; for I longe to heare from you, and the Lord in mercy let me heare well from you. Your father is nowe at Heri- ford ; he went theather on wensday to the musters ; he returnes not tell to morrow. I thanke God, he has his health well. Your brother Robert has had no fitte this fortnight ; he is not much changed. Your brother Tomas and cosen Smith are very well, and I beleeue, they begine nowe to looke to theaire recknings ; they thinke theas days haue bine short. Your sisters are, I thanke God, well ; and so is all your frindes in theas parts ; only my eosin Pris brought a greate coold with him, and has it still. The Lord in mercy blles you, and giue you a hart to vnderstand thos things which belonge to your peace, both in this life and your euerlasting peace; and the Lord in mercy presarue your health, and prosper your indeuors in the ways of knowledg ; and still beleeue, that I take comfort in ex- presing meself Your most affectinat mother, BRILLIANA HARLEY. .Tanr. 4, 1638. Remember my saruis to your worthy tutor. Mr. Gowor telles me, he rwit to you, and so did I, by the carrier of Lemster, when your father rwit to your tutor ; for your father rwit by both the carriers, feareing the one of them might faile the deliuery of his letter.