Harley - DA396 .H2 A2 1854

1638-9.] LADY BRILLIANA HARLEY. 19 XVIII. To her son Edward. My good Ned -I thinke it longe sence I hard from you, but my hope is that you are well. My thoughtes are as much vpon you now, as when you weare with me, and thearfore I must conclude, that absence abates no lone, but that which is but a shawdow of loue. I send this mesenger (whoo makes me beleeue he goos with a good will) purposly to see you, and I hope, he will bringe me the ashurance of your being well returned to Oxford. The carrier sent me word you weare not returned on Tusday last. Your father came well home from Heariford, on Saterday last; he was a littell ill at Heriford, but I thanke God, he is very well nowe. Your brother Robert has some times a fite ; all the rest are well, and I beleeue they will tell theaire owne mindes to you themselfes. I hard of no other thinge they did at Heariford ; but, by order from the Lords, they haue made two prouesmarchalls, to home they give £20 pound a peace, euery yeare, to ride well armed, and each of them a man, and to let noe roges or idell persons wonder aboute the country; and the depuetie liftenantes haue entertained two shoulders to discipline all the bandès : on is taken out in your fathers company, to be his Sargent; his name is Weare; he has bine in all theas wars in Jer- many, and sarued vnder your ouncell Sr Tomas Conway; the others name I knowe not ; and this I rwite you word of, that you may not be ignorant of what is doune in your owne cuntry. Your cosen Scriuen, they say, is to be a curenall, if any troups goo vpon any saruis. He is called Curenall Scriuen. For forane nwes, I beleeue, you haue hard that Briscake is taken; and nowe the Curantes are lisened againe, you will wekely see theare relations. Now, my deare Ned, howe much doo I longe to see you, and the Lord in mercy still giue me that comfort, that I may acounte you my beloued child, and the Lord in mercy fille you with his gras, that so you may be lonely in His sight; and if you are beloued by the Lord, it is happines enoufgh. None are partakers of his lone but