Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

.The CONT~NTS of the ~ook. CHAP. I. . 3 Thou lofefl- not thy laSetl:.I.THecontextclear... , hour, .' .P• 28 ed, · pag. 1 4 Th9u ownefr . · Gods SeCt.2.TheworJs_rxplaind4 , · omniprefence. . · 29 Sect. 3. Dollrines raifed, 7 SeC1:.4. Reaj.4.God·re'wards Sect4. Inftttnces for Clofetopenly,four ways, 3 I Pr~eyer, I I . 1. R'eturning vifible An. I. Abraham, ibid. fwers, 3.2 2. Ifaac, I 2 2. Difcriminating provi- , 3. cyacob, 13 . d-ences, 3·3 4· Mojes, . , 14 Sett. 5. 3· /ncreafe of Gr~- 5. Da·vid, · .. _ibid. ces, 36 Sect. 5. More lnfta,~ce~ of .Sett. 6. 4· Solemn owning ' 6. Elijdh, .· , .. 1 5 . at the great Day, . 39 ·7. Jereniia.h, \·, ..:. I 6 . , CHAP. Ill. ,. · 8. D~enie/9 · · ibid. . SeCt. 1. Vft 1. OfInforma .. 9· feter, , , · · I 7 , tion, concerning place~ of 10: . Jefiu Chrift, , i ~8 Prayer, ' 41 · CH A·P. II. . Sett.')..Thenatureofprayer, SeC}:. I.Rea{on 1 .Conveniert~ 1. It i5 an immediate cj of Privacy, 19 . IVorjhip, · - 43' For 1 Expoftl!latian, -20 j ~~ Cannot be interrupt2 Againft diftraflion, 21 ed, · · 44 Seer. 2. Rea[ 2, Rel'ation Sect. 3. 3! The power of . be~wixtGor},and ,~oul,23 Pr~:tyer, . , ' 46 l The heartsfr~e Dpening, sea. 4· 4· The p~operty of to a Father, · ibid. a Chriftian,- . 49 . 2 God communicates him~ . . .CHAP.. IV. . (elf to it, ,. 2) Sett. t. V(e of .Reprehen– Setl. 3. ,Rea(. 3. Godfees i~ . fion, 1. Of Wick.,ed, 52 · 1 fecrct., i.e. 27 Set't.2. 2,.0[Godly,for neg.. .1 .l:ie ta/zes notice rr:hethe.r ' 'lefling this ; .herein, 54 · thou pray, ibid. ' I They are unlikf! ]efl/4 ~Sees thy {ecretjiru, 2~- Chrift, } . , , . ., a. ~·