Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

The Epiftle to the ~eader~ . I amwhat lam, I Cor. 1 5. I o. Nor ~ tha~ ~r.rttce 1!1/tq~· ·. gether in v~in: for as it bath hclped"11!e in my labours,fo pe bath in fome mettfureblejfednty l~bours,though I be no-: ' 7 .thing, the lea.~ ofSain_p, notmeet tobe called 4 . Minifter. Did thofe that readmy lt~bO:urs k,.nt~HJ me, they would b, ready to defpife myundertakings : This I[pea~, hfCt!.Hfo · my former bfJok hath found f uchgoqdacceptt~nce, and this ufo much defired. And that no man think ofme, abov 1 . what he knoweth to be in me: my hearr bath be.tn near f~inting through difcoura._r;;emertts frommygreat ~e~tk.ye(s, had I not beetifupported ma~ya time w_ith tha~ word, in z Cor~ 4· 7· But we have t~ts 't~eafure u1 earrh~n veffels, that_.the excellency of the Power may be QfGod, and .not of Man. IVhence I gather, th~t G~4 ca1J makeufe of wea/z;., unlearned 7 finf ul Inftruments to do great works ; and he can ufe perfons of mearJ. abilities, to .ac"omplijb his gluti~us ends, in c~n11erting Soul-s, M well m .the profouf!de{f Clerk!, or wifeft men on eart~: yea fometimel he Jayeth tt,jide thefe,_~end rather ufeth the ff!rmer, that all . the glory might be his ; And th,a.t no fl~lh might glory in his prefence: 1 C~r. I. 29. But {Hch a-s I am or: have, is all devoted to the ~onour of our Rede1mer, and welfare of S~uls, · Otlob.3r. · ' ·· Whif.es I am ••. •c/ • , o , I668e < 1 . . ' ' .. ~. . .. ~he