Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

a ~~J~iftta:nJ)utr. our Father; as having adopted us in Chr,ifi : becaufe his, therefore ours: 1 a/ cend (faith Chri l1) to my Fat her andyour Father, joh.2o.17· Indeed by nature, we were children of wrath, but by grace children of his Love; io that they may fay., as lfa. 64.. 8. · But noro, 0 Lr.-r4, thoH art our Father . Oh pl ead and improve this relation. . I o. God is omniprefent : "Thy Fa- . , .h h' h . . r. · h H H :rJ.c o11mpref'ens efl t er w tc ts tn 1ecret : t e eaven · . . · 1 " ·J. . , - . . quta n:t!lmn efl Vbt, of Heavens canno~ contatn h1m., . u>t de ep exclujus, ·neq; 1 J( ing. 8. 2 7. He hlleth all places . aiicttbi eft inclufuJ • .-with his immenfe and h1finite efAmet 1'11ed. Theol. fence : I-Ieaven is his throne; the lt b. 1 · , Cap. ' 4· ~17· Earth is his footf\:ool; he is ~ excluded fromno plaee')in– duded in none :for he is without a!l Iimiracion, diinen– fion, ·or renninarion. · I f. God is omni[cient. Thy Father which feeth in fe– crer. The darkeft nighr,or !ecrereft clofer,or moft hid. den thought of a reierved heart, can neither hid~, or be hid from Go~·s all-feeiog eye : lieb. 4· 1 3. God be– holds all thiA~s in. H~aven and o.n Eareh. wirh one fim– pie fingle acr ofht,s Underfi:andwg ;. wnhour cornpofi– tion, difcourfe, or repr'e!enration ofSpecies: 12. E·very beiieving Pra_ycr h.:tth a {ur e re'ward: He wiU reward theeopenly : Not a good word to God,ot wo,rk for God., !hall be lofi: Tr; him tl1at foweth righ~ teoufoe(s, flu~tl be a {ltre re7!'ard., Prov. '! 1. 18. And we .know every right Prayer ts a real feed, Pfa/. 126. 6. 1 And it will rife in a fqll and -plentiful crop another day. . ·I 3. The retvard offecret Pr"-zy r: rfhall be open and manifeft : They, have already a reward and gifc in fecret; 1 Communion with God is an tabundant recompence. In l{fepin_gJhy Commandments there !s great reward: Pfal. J,9· 1 I. But this is a [ pr£mium ante prcemium J ·reward , before the reward: the Ofher fuall be in \Heaven before Angels ana Men. . B 3